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Connection is a daily devotional to encourage women in their faith and life overseas. It brings the Word of God and conversation with sisters into their day-to-day lives.
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There is Help

June 28, 2024
RECEIVING Funding Dependence Reliance
“Listen,” she said as her eyes looked directly into mine. She continued speaking as her hand pulled out her wallet to pay for the clothes my kids needed. “If you're going to be a worker, you better get used to taking the financial help people offe...
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You're Gonna Need That

June 27, 2024
RECEIVING Rest Burn out Connecting with nationals Identity in Christ Dependence Reliance Abide
The story goes that when my dad was an adolescent, he helped out at a neighbor’s farm. His parents, conservative Christians, had instructed him to take no payment. So when the neighbor pulled out some cash, he didn’t know what to do—and bolted. As...
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Can God Really Love Me?

June 26, 2024
RECEIVING Reflecting God
I grew up in a loving family that taught me the Gospel for as long as I can remember. My parents did everything they could to be exemplary followers of Christ and showered me with love. I never doubted their affection, but when it came to the Lord...
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Serving After Receiving

June 25, 2024
RECEIVING Comparison Grace Identity in Christ
As cross-cultural workers, we tend to be a hardworking bunch. We want to see God’s Kingdom grow on the earth, and we want to be faithful to His call on our lives where He’s put us. We often take the role of initiator in our relationships, whatever...
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