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Connection is a daily devotional to encourage women in their faith and life overseas. It brings the Word of God and conversation with sisters into their day-to-day lives.
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An Entire Family Drawn to God Unto Salvation

July 10, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Being a woman in ministry Expectations Trust Purpose
One particular Wednesday morning, I was invited to visit a family who had been eager to receive me in their home—a very tiny one bedroom, with a kitchen attached to a super small living area and a pit toilet that also served as a shower for a fami...
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I Don't Want to Be "Ugly"

July 09, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Balancing ministry, family, & life Feeling connected to those back home Contentment Isolation & loneliness Overwhelmed
Have you ever been stuck in “stinking thinking” (or what my Southern roots would call, “stankin’ thankin’)? You know that kind of thinking that is negative, whiny, and just can’t see anything good in life? Sadly, I must confess to falling into thi...
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My Gift List

July 08, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Contentment Praise
I open my blue and white journal to a random page and this is what I find: 
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To As Many As Received Him

July 05, 2024
RECEIVING Culture adjustment
Language can be fascinating, rich, and confusing. I’m sure we all have stories of how this has proved true in sharing spiritual truth. There are so many phrases from our native language that we are sure of (or maybe not) but are challenges to expr...
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