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Connection is a daily devotional to encourage women in their faith and life overseas. It brings the Word of God and conversation with sisters into their day-to-day lives.
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Make Up Your Mind to Flourish

July 26, 2024
FLOURISH Culture adjustment Burn out Expectations Identity in Christ Purpose Quiet time with the Lord
The prevalent landscape color was khaki-gray. Dust was everywhere, all the time, inside buildings and out, no matter how much cleaning took place. Air pollution resulted from diesel vehicles, unrestricted burning of trash and tires, open sewers, a...
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Flourishing in the Present

July 25, 2024
FLOURISH Contentment
“I feel stuck,” a friend confided as we sat and talked over brunch. We were in a season of life that involved a lot of waiting, and this waiting made her–and me–feel paralyzed. We felt like we couldn’t really start living until this season was ove...
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The God Who Sees Me

July 24, 2024
FLOURISH Feeling known & understood God’s guidance & direction Burn out Health issues on the field
We don’t know what Hagar knew of God before she fled to the desert, but we do know that He knew her. And He cared for her. Deeply. We know that He pursued her in the wilderness when her void-of-hope life was a tangled mess and full of mistreatment...
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Keys to Flourishing Overseas

July 23, 2024
FLOURISH Balancing ministry, family, & life Expectations Finding community Rest Quiet time with the Lord
This past summer our high school age daughters traveled overseas to serve on short term internships. Since our family had lived abroad before, my husband and I felt comfortable letting them go.  
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