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Connection is a daily devotional to encourage women in their faith and life overseas. It brings the Word of God and conversation with sisters into their day-to-day lives.
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Naming God's Artful Goodness

July 22, 2024
FLOURISH God’s guidance & direction Discouragement Hope
Think of the last wedding invitation you received in the mail. Imagine the envelope and the feeling you had when you first saw it. What made it stand out from the rest of the mail that day? 
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I saw God's goodness.

July 19, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Reflecting God
The coffee shop was on the corner of University and Jefferson. I had arrived early and found a table by the window, upstairs. Before diving into work emails, I sat for a few moments, watching life happen. Cars and people passed by. The room began ...
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The Best Gift-Giver

July 18, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Contentment Feeling known & understood Spiritual wellness
My overseas departure after seven years on the field was rough. All the wonderful recommendations for
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Rescued from Wasps

July 17, 2024
GOD'S GOODNESS Worshiping God Praise
When you are looking for something, you are more likely to find it. Sounds like a very obvious old Eastern proverb. But it’s true. You have to be aware of what you are looking for or it will pass you by without realizing it was there.  
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