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Connection is a daily devotional to encourage women in their faith and life overseas. It brings the Word of God and conversation with sisters into their day-to-day lives.
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Receiving Resurrection

June 24, 2024
RECEIVING Expectations Grief, loss, & depression Infertility Fear
Once upon a time there was a wealthy Shunammite woman who had convinced herself that she needed nothing. She would be known far and wide as a giver, thank you very much, with a capital G. 
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No Bars on the Windows

June 21, 2024
Her comment caught me by surprise.  
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Paradox at the Center of the Cross

June 20, 2024
PROTECTION/SAFETY Grief, loss, & depression Protection & safety overseas Discouragement Overwhelmed
“I just want this season to be over,” a friend laments as she shares what it is like to walk through deep pain caused by her spouse.   
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The Only Light for My Path

June 19, 2024
PROTECTION/SAFETY God’s guidance & direction
Light has brought safety into my life so many times. No surprise, right? Street lights, stoplights, and flashlights have kept me from falling and losing my way. Candles, and yes, matches, have lit just enough space for me to see who’s at my door. ...
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