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Retreat Blog
The Thrive Retreat Blog includes live updates from quarterly retreats, written and distributed from the team onsite at the retreats.


February 24, 2020
A very full and fulfilling day was experienced by volunteers and attendees alike. God met us in many ways, and Thrive’s retreat goals were met with rigor and style. All these attendees were fully amazed at the thoughtfulness and sensitivity of thi...
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Creating a Safe Environment

February 23, 2020
Today the global women arrived at the hotel in Dubrovnik, Croatia… a beautiful ancient city on the Adriatic Sea. Some had traveled on two, three, or even four different planes to get to the Thrive retreat. As small groups met, one was made up of w...
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Lavish Love

February 22, 2020
Some short term service teams meet for the first time at an airport en-route to their place of service somewhere in the world. Their orientation is often the first day before getting to work. Many don’t have much time to be trained or bond as a gr...
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February 21, 2020
The volunteer team comes from all over the United States... each with her own story which she has had the opportunity to share today, the first full day of the Croatia Retreat for volunteers. Many have come with a friend or relative. Many have com...
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