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Retreat Blog
The Thrive Retreat Blog includes live updates from quarterly retreats, written and distributed from the team onsite at the retreats.

Volunteers Depart

July 03, 2022
As the volunteers prepare to head out, we ponder what we have learned this past week. C. learned that serving is not always just about going somewhere and serving others. Sometimes God changes us as we serve.
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Volunteers Debrief

July 02, 2022
The attendees have left. After nearly four days of nonstop activity, the volunteers are taking a deep breath and stopping to ask themselves, “What just happened?” We gathered to debrief, discussing what we have heard and the emotions we experience...
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Goodbye, Attendees!

July 01, 2022
It was a poignant day as we gathered for our final session about restoring deeper trust, then attendees said goodbye to each other and to the volunteers. There was much laughter and many tears, but many new friendships have been formed. Women were...
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Second Full Day of Retreat

June 30, 2022
The vision of Thrive is to see women ministering overseas thriving in their God-given purpose. A recent study revealed that one out of 14 workers leaves their agency each year and 2/3 of those leave for potentially preventable reasons. In order to...
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