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Blog Post

Seen, Heard, Known, and Loved

February 20, 2023 ROME 2023
Seen, Heard, Known, and Loved
Written by KERRI WHITE | Photo by SARAH KURTZ

One of the hardest realities to understand in God’s economy is that we are fully known and fully loved. In our human economy, being fully known regularly results in being less loved - or at least less liked. But in God’s economy, the more honest we are with Him, the more He delights in us!

Thrive’s holistic approach to meeting women’s needs approximates this truth the best as it can be in our flesh, empowered by the Holy Spirit. In a typical women’s retreat, it’s not uncommon to hear a great speaker or Bible teacher, to sing a slew of powerful songs of praise and worship, to pray in small groups, or to eat great food. It is not typical, however, to spend the afternoon in one-on-one prayer meetings, counseling sessions, spiritual direction, haircuts, pedicures, physical therapy or chiropractic appointments, massages, nutrition consultations, or workshops on grief and loss. At Thrive retreats, not only are all of these options, but so is free time to take a nap, exercise, explore the city with new friends, eat gelato with old friends, or get alone with God.

When asked about her afternoon, Diane exclaimed, “It was worth the plane ticket!” She had a pedicure, a massage, and a rest. These simple treatments are luxuries for most global workers and help them to feel human, feminine, and refreshed.

This evening crowned the day with all of the global workers opening a gift from North America - a taste from home specific to their wishes and desires. The joy and laughter that filled the room was better than Oprah’s 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! Peanut butter, Cheez-Its, and chocolate chips stole the show. And all around the room, squeals of “This is my favorite!” were followed with “I feel so loved!”

As Thrive volunteers meet the global workers’ physical, emotional, and mental needs, they are demonstrating God’s care for every aspect of His daughters’ lives. They feel seen when they get a new haircut and it’s noticed. They feel heard when someone spends an hour praying for their unique needs. They feel known when they meet with global workers from the same region or country to swap stories. They feel loved through each of these actions - and through great coffee!

Krista told us that she almost wasn’t able to come because her husband was sick and wouldn’t be able to watch the kids. Things with her ministry were crazy. And she just didn’t think she had the energy to pull it all together. But then a friend - one who had attended a Thrive retreat in the past with her mother - said she would do whatever it took to get Krista to the retreat. She knew Krista needed the rest, fellowship with other global workers, and a chance to reconnect with a friend from college also attending this week. Krista needed to be known and loved.

This evening, Krista “just happened” to spend dinner with our speaker, Peg Forrest. The time Peg took to get to know Krista and her struggles, to listen to her story, and to connect over mutual friends was “like a hug from God.”

The Bible studies, worship, and small groups are important, but this holistic approach to meeting every woman is almost always what helps them understand God as the One who sees them.

“[Hagar] gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’
for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’” Genesis 16:13

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.