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Retreat Blog
The Thrive Retreat Blog includes live updates from quarterly retreats, written and distributed from the team onsite at the retreats.

What’s in a Name?

February 17, 2023
ROME 2023
Shakespeare tells us that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but don’t names tell us something about the object, the person, or at least the family who named them? 
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Rome Retreat - 30 Days of Prayer

February 15, 2023
ROME 2023
Welcome again to the Thrive Retreat Blog, where you can follow along with our retreat volunteers and attendees throughout their retreat experience! If you haven’t already, we’d love for you to join us for our 30 Days of Prayer for the 2023 Rome Re...
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Volunteers Depart

October 30, 2022
It’s hard to believe that today is our last day together as a volunteer team. Most of our group will fly out tomorrow, with a few folks staying an extra day or two. The day is spent continuing to reflect and debrief as a team. We’re learning how b...
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Volunteers Debrief

October 28, 2022
Things are a bit quieter now that the attendees have returned to the 26 different countries where they live and serve. We miss the lively chatter of those extra 73 women, but it is time to process all that we have experienced. There is much joy ov...
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