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Blog Post

Thrive Prepares Volunteers Well

May 07, 2024 CRUISE 2024
Thrive Prepares Volunteers Well

"B" and "L" are first-time volunteers coming on the recommendation of a co-worker in their organization. Neither knew what to expect as volunteers, but they have both been impressed with the organization's history, the preparation ahead of this week, and the on-site orientation here in Miami. The attention to detail has been incredible as the Thrive staff has oriented volunteers and prepared for the attendees.

"V," another new volunteer, is here to serve as a hairdresser for the global women. She has been impressed with the intentionality of the training and found several things practical and applicable to the ministry she does at home.

The insights of the experienced volunteers have been both fun and helpful. "B" has appreciated the strong emphasis on prayer, and "L" noted the clarity of purpose in creating a safe and comfortable space for global women to find restoration, healing, and rest.

A large portion of preparation and orientation is filled with prayer and worship. Before coming to Miami, the Thrive staff, volunteers, and supporters participated in 30 days of prayer for all aspects of the retreat. During orientation, prayer time includes corporate prayer times, small group prayer, and individual sanctuary. Unlike many short-term mission experiences, Thrive wants to ensure volunteers realize prayer is a crucial component of preparation as the Holy Spirit empowers each person to serve.

Both "B" and "L" have found the prayer times meaningful and restorative as they have been prayed over and have prayed for others. Another first-time volunteer shared how the sanctuary time, the first evening, and her first meeting with her prayer group alleviated her anxieties.

All the volunteers look forward to welcoming the attendees tomorrow and seeing how the Lord will use them as His servants.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.