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Blog Post

Attendees Arrive

May 09, 2024 CRUISE 2024
Attendees Arrive

Today's the day!

From four continents, 42 global women arrived in the Port of Miami to set sail on the first-ever Thrive cruise. The volunteers have been waiting and preparing for this day. The attendees have arrived! What a wonderful gift lavished on them by their Father, to be surrounded by the beauty of the ocean and like-minded women.

But getting here wasn't easy for many of them. "E" planned to leave her home in an African country on Sunday, only to have her flight canceled. She finally left Monday but had very short connections at a large international airport in another African country, then again in the US. She finally arrived on US soil— without her luggage. So her final hours before sailing were spent visiting thrift stores for a new wardrobe! But we know the Lord wanted her on this cruise because, despite all obstacles, she is here! Several others have told similar stories of delays, lost paperwork, planes struck by lightning, etc., but they are now safely onboard.

For many attendees, this is not their first Thrive retreat. They know they will find refreshment, encouragement, and the space they need to hear from their Father. Some come seeking encouragement, and others seek direction regarding retirement decisions or changes in ministry options. Many women find themselves experiencing the emotional turmoil of transition and the concern that it brings for their children. Some are living through the stage of concern for their elderly parents and the feelings of being separated from them by long distances. They all seek to hear from the Lord about these issues and more.

Stay tuned to see what the Lord will do!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.