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Blog Post

The Crucial Role of the Volunteer

May 06, 2024 CRUISE 2024
The Crucial Role of the Volunteer

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Thrive, what makes Thrive “work”. Volunteers have a front row seat to see what God will do not only in the women who attend, but also in the volunteers themselves.

Who are these volunteers? We have moms of small children, counselors, teachers, a nurse and a Navy vet. Some have served overseas but others have not.         

 “A” is a returning volunteer who serves as a counselor, but she was not planning to attend this retreat. At the last minute, there was a need for an additional counselor. God provided for all her needs including care for her three young children and all the finances necessary for this trip.

“V” is a first-time volunteer serving as a prayer partner. She learned about Thrive through a missions fair at her church. At that fair, she was awarded a half-scholarship for any mission trip she desired. So she chose to come to Thrive!

“J” first attended a Thrive retreat as a global worker serving overseas. Those few days changed her life, her marriage and her ministry. She is now a regular Thrive volunteer, ministering to attendees through personalized facials. “J” and her husband also serve as Thrive advocates, encouraging women to volunteer and global workers to attend.

A theme for today has been the abundance of God’s provision for us in all aspects of our service. Despite our weaknesses, and physical and personal challenges, we can rest in knowing that we are enough because He is enough.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.