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Blog Post

Surprising Replenishment

July 10, 2023 COLORADO 2023
Surprising Replenishment
Written by BECKY DIETZ | Photo by ANNE BRYANT

Imagine trekking halfway around the world and you find yourself in the middle of a group of strangers, who have also come from across oceans in need of rest, refreshment, understanding, and spiritual and emotional nourishment. Will this retreat environment refill your emotional tank? Will the things you encounter make any difference when it’s time to return to your field of service?

Everything about this first full day of the retreat is crafted to refresh the souls of women who have been deeply engaged in ministry cross-culturally. The worship songs are intentionally chosen, the study time is laid out to meet their unique needs and bring them to deep exploration of the life-giving Word. The small group discussions are structured so that women can engage without stress. Optional activities bring connection through a variety of ways: the relaxing touch of a pedicure, the one-on-one time of personal prayer, the in-depth conversation with a counselor, or a quiet hike in the Lord’s company, and maybe a long, quiet nap.

One favorite way these global women encounter treasured affirmation is the boutique. New clothes are donated all year long so that women who are returning for a season of meetings and travel with a “less-than” wardrobe will have new clothes (and accessories) to ease their way. They are greeted at the boutique by “I’ve been waiting to serve you” volunteers who give advice and encouragement – and generous wardrobe reinforcement. They find beautiful clothes for their individual preferences. One global worker responded, “They treat us like the Father does! Welcoming and affirming, lavish and loving.”

All of these things are prepared to replenish women who love God and expend themselves in radical ways out of love for Him. Please pray with us that God will use all of these elements of the retreat for His purposes.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.