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The Healing Power of Jesus’ Yoke

by GAIL GOOLSBY HEALING Burn out Expectations God’s guidance & direction Hearing God & Understanding His Will
The Healing Power of Jesus’ Yoke
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

It can happen whether living overseas or your native country, even in your childhood hometown. It can sneak up on you without conscious thought or intention when you’re an idealistic young adult or seasoned life survivor. Very human, very natural…very detrimental.  

IT is trying to do your life by your own strength, your own sufficiency, will power, discipline, and determination. 

God knew this would be our tendency. He made us in His image to be workers, forward thinkers, goal-oriented, even perfectionists with rules to some degree. But He knew we would go too far in our self-dependency and need healing from this human condition. 

I fall prey to this sufficiency trap at times, even though I teach about unrealistic self-expectations and should know better. Much of my work as a speaker, author, coach, counselor, and international student placement director fluctuates based on client/consumer demands which I cannot control. This fact of my career has helped me recognize I am not really directing this journey. Certainly, I need to show up when opportunities come my way and do my best, but the arranging of the circumstances is rarely done by my hand. 

When Jesus came to earth, He declared this solo human act was not the way to live. He talked about His mission to show us what God the Father was really like and our obstacles to connect with a Holy God. He also pointed out the limitations and liabilities involved in depending on ourselves to work it all out, on earth and in heaven. 

His words in Matthew 11:28-30 are offering us healing from past self-reliance and prevention from burning out or losing our joy in the life God has given us. Jesus spoke and modeled doing things in obedience to the Father, waiting for His divine direction. Our yoke, our connection to God, fits us — not too heavy, not for someone else. Instead of being a shackle, this yoke is our safe, gentle guide to the path ahead, God’s own healing hand on our shoulders.

Closing Prayer
Father God, trying to do everything in our own strength is exhausting and impossible, particularly saving ourselves and being able to commune with you, Holy God. Help us to submit to your loving provision, take on your gentle, healing yoke and live well in your safe, gentle guidance and direction. You made us, you know us. You know how to heal us and lead us to abundant life. Give us the courage, the faith, the will to yield to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

Where do you recognize you are chained to a yoke not prescribed by your loving Heavenly Father?

Gail Goolsby
May 21, 2024

We do well to get regular check-ups maybe with the help of a trusted Godly friend or counselor if we are experiencing overwhelm, lack of joy, even physical ailments or exhaustion. Perhaps we have taken off the gentle yoke Jesus describes and put on our own heavy shackle.