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Roots of Service

Roots of Service
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“For we are coworkers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
1 Corinthians 3:9

The root balls were like underground tree trunks. Unaffected by even the strongest blows of my shovel, they persisted, claiming their place, displaying their sense of belonging. Judging from their ubiquitous presence, one would never know that blackberries are not native to Washington. But just a short time in the Pacific Northwest will reveal how locals feel about the bush that yields dark, luscious berries. Words like “evil” and “impossible” are readily used to describe their speedy invasions. 

Brought to Washington in the late 1800’s by horticulturist Luther Burbank, the blackberry plant multiplies as soon as one of its branches touches the ground. While the berries provide scrumptious inspiration for locally themed muffins, pies and ice cream, preventing them from taking over gardens, forests and yards is a constant battle. Without the use of pesticides, the only option is digging up the root balls, then completely covering the ground to deprive them from oxygen. 

This is why I continued to whack the hefty roots, despite their obstinance. As a volunteer at a sustainable community garden for immigrants and refugees, I hoped to clear ground for cover and end the blackberry invasion. In time, this space would become a healthy growing site for tastes of Syria, India, Mexico and Iran. As I dug for the start of the root system, filled with purpose, confusing thoughts streamed through my mind: in a nutshell, I was removing non-native plants in order to replace them with more non-native plants! 

Beyond the twists of roots and thoughts, I had a sense of something beautiful in the making. While a blackberry plant cannot be categorized as “good’ or “evil,” the physical act of interrupting its damaging ways felt satisfying. Knowing that remnants of “impossible” root systems would compost into healthy soil that will grow new fruits and vegetables to feed the bodies and souls of displaced people was enough for me to keep swinging my shovel. Because to be part of a cycle of life filled with complexity, complication and questions of good and evil, to recognize the goodness of God present in each minuscule particle of dirt and to do our part to exchange destruction for fruitfulness is to serve in the way of Jesus.

Closing Prayer
Lord, show us how to accept invitations into the cycles of life that are not simple or easy. Remind us of your redeeming powers and lead us to serve like Jesus. Amen.
Question for Reflection

What does it mean to you to be God’s field or building?

Holly Pennington
July 14, 2022

When I think of a field, words like spaciousness, plowing, planting and harvest come to mind. Also: possibility. And I recognize the submission of a field into whatever crops the Farmer wants it to yield. There is a vastness in my imagery, a letting go and laying down. I think these are all consistent with God’s hopes for me.