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Last Words

by ANGELA SHCHERBAN SERVICE Grace Reflecting God Saying goodbyes
Last Words
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“For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”
John 13:15

We’d stayed at the older couple’s home for a few days, and it was almost time for my husband and I to go back overseas. The time spent with the white-haired pastor and his cheerful wife was something special. Few families had so deeply affected us in such a short time. Their ministry experience, the love they carried through the years, and their grace-filled home were only a couple of the things that we experienced as we stayed in the charming Southern cottage. As the last hours of our time together came to an end, I noticed that the pastor was eager to share the most important conclusions he came to throughout his life and bits of wisdom that seemed like pure gold. 

Shortly after, our pastor friend moved on to be with our Father, but some of his last words really stuck. There were times when we’d remember something he said, and it was just what we needed at the exact time we needed it. The memory of him would bring a smile to our face and encouragement to our souls. 

Scripture tells us of a different situation, where the wisest Teacher sat among his students shortly before his death. That evening, he not only passed on words of wisdom, but showed them in deed. And to ensure that his followers would truly remember one of the most important lessons, the King of Kings humbled himself to the status of a servant and washed the feet of those he taught. Just hours before he’d be taken to his death, Jesus shared golden wisdom as he demonstrated what service really means. 

As I reflect on that picture, I realize that, out of all of the things that Christ could have chosen to do as he spent his last moments with his closest followers, he chose a service of love. Time and again, our Lord reminds us that the Christian way is a way of service. And even though it doesn’t come naturally, (I’ve yet to meet someone who always, in every situation, puts the needs of others above their own!) we should and can and must take an example from Christ. We must serve well and love well as we take on the challenge of reflecting Jesus in our daily lives.

Closing Prayer
Father, thank you for the many reminders in Scripture about serving. I know that you came down to serve; to serve us and draw us to you. Help me to serve you by serving others. Help me to put others’ needs above my own. I love you and want to grow in having a servant heart, for your glory alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

How can you serve God by serving someone today?

Angela Shcherban
July 15, 2022

I think that’s a question I should wake up with daily. Whether that means that I should simply serve those who surround me on a daily basis or go out of my way to serve someone I hardly ever see; service changes my heart to notice the needs of others. It causes me to take the attention off of myself and focus on loving; and that’s definitely a sphere I need to grow in!