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In the Hidden Places

by SHERILYN GRANT SERVICE Feeling known & understood
In the Hidden Places
“Now bands of raiders from Aram had gone out and taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife.”
2 Kings 5:2

I love the stories of the great men and women of faith throughout the Old and New Testament. Men and women like Moses, Joshua, David, Ruth, Esther, Paul, Peter and others stand out to me as reminders of what it looks like to serve God in complete surrender. Yet, in most cases, surrendering one’s life in service unto God leads us into hidden places. 

One such story is found in 2 Kings 5. We don’t know the name of the girl; we just know there was a “young girl” who found herself taken captive from her homeland in Israel to serve the captain of the Aram army and his wife. Alone and on her own, she found herself in a foreign land in the service of a foreign family. I can only imagine the fear and doubt she might have experienced. After growing up hearing the great stories of Moses parting the Red Sea and Joshua winning the battle at Jericho, might she have wondered if Yahweh saw her, hidden away in this strange place?

This “young girl” had a choice to make. Would she continue to serve God even though her life had not gone the way she planned? Would she still speak His name and obey Him? We don’t have to wait long to find out. Upon hearing that her master had contracted leprosy, the young girl declared in faith that there was a prophet who could heal him. She chose to speak on behalf of the God she knew and loved, despite her circumstances. She chose to serve in the most hidden place. Her obedience brought healing to her master and faith to his household. Not only that, but as captain of the Aram army, it’s likely he shared his new found faith with many others. Her one act of obedience brought about revival in the home of a foreigner who had never heard of Yahweh. 

May we be faithful in service to our God, even in the most hidden of places where we feel unseen and unknown. Our seemingly small choices to serve and obey will lead to great fruit and abundance as we trust in the One who sees.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, I thank you that you see me even when I feel unseen. In the most hidden of places, you are there, and you are faithful. Help me to be faithful even when I don’t understand my circumstances or can’t seem to find my way. You, Father, order my steps, and I will serve you all my days. Amen.
Book: Anonymous by Alicia Britt Chole This book discusses the hidden years before Jesus’ ministry and how God uses us in our hidden seasons.
Question for Reflection

How do you continue to serve God in the “hidden” times?

Sherilyn Grant
July 13, 2022

I walked through an extremely difficult year where I experienced much loss. It was a year I felt very hidden. During this time, when I was tempted to doubt or feel self-pity, I “dug in” and spent many quiet hours in worship and reading God’s Word. My service to God during this time was my worship through surrender. I learned what it means to “feed” on God’s Word. It became my lifeline. During my hidden season, I became less so that Jesus could become more.