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Just Sheep

by SARAH DEAL RELIANCE Trust Dependence
Just Sheep
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.”
Psalms 95:6-7

Of the many adages I heard growing up in a church pew, one of my favorites was “we’re all just sheep.” I can remember countless times, studying through Psalm 23 and learning of the culture of the Shepherd and his watchful eye over the wooly beasts left in his care. Sheep who relied on their shepherd to lead them to water and green pastures, care for them, protect them from danger, and guide them so they didn’t wander off. 

Fast forward to my forties, living life day to day, with responsibilities and deadlines, ministries to fulfill and people to pour into—there are many days I feel more like I’m running with the bulls than grazing in a pasture! 

So what is the point of the Psalmist’s imagery in calling God our Shepherd? And why the insistence in referring to ourselves as sheep?

The answer is alarmingly simple. Here in these two verses, we get a glimpse into the heart of a man who had the right perspective of God, and challenges us to do the same. 

Let us kneel and worship 

Before the Lord, our Maker. 

We are His people. 

It’s His pasture. 

We are His flock. 

Under His care. 

In all that I face in life, in ministry, in my busy hours today, what is holding me back from being reliant on Him? Just as those sheep depend completely on their shepherd to lead them, feed them and care for them, so we are utterly reliant on our Great Shepherd for every moment, every need, every ounce of strength for the journey ahead. 

It’s easy sometimes to forget.  

It’s easy to forget it’s not my pasture, but His.  

To lean on my own understanding. 

To serve in my own strength.  

To forget to rest at His feet.  

Remember it’s not a rat race we’re running! Being reliant on Him means that when we feel frazzled, stressed, stretched thin, and used up, we can run back to this truth, resting in the fact that our Great Shepherd shoulders the burden for us. It’s His pasture, and we are ever under His care. 

Closing Prayer
Great Shepherd, we run to you and thank you and worship you for being our Maker! You are our God and we are your people, the sheep of your hand. Help us to remember that in you, we have everything we need. As we go about our days, help us to follow closely beside you, trusting that you will provide step by step, as a Good Shepherd always does. Amen.
Article: What it Looks Like to Fully Rely on God (And Not Yourself) by Sean Kiluk An insightful post, written during the height of the COVID pandemic, with some great thoughts on what self-reliance and God-reliance really look like.
Song: Shepherd by CityAlight “For the Lord my Shepherd leads me, leads me and He is all I need…”
Question for Reflection

What is one way you can actively acknowledge your reliance on the Good Shepherd today?

Sarah Deal
January 24, 2024

My boys and I were just talking about my temptation to start the day by reaching for my cell phone, which sits charging next to my bed each night. Starting the day by checking Facebook or emails sets my course for comparisons and increases the potential for people-pleasing. What if I made the choice instead to charge my phone downstairs, removing that distraction first thing in the morning (and also preventing myself from late-night social media binging!)? This simple choice could help set me up to acknowledge my need for God by starting my day at His feet, asking Him for strength and direction for my day, and surrendering my will and my plans to Him.