As a language teacher, I often try to help my students see ways they can use the vocabulary they already possess. I want them to realize that asking for the opposite of the unknown word can be very helpful. While this will not work for ‘marathon’, you can ask for the opposite of ‘shy’ - and continue the conversation.
When I chose reliance, I took my own advice and looked at its opposites. Self-sufficient popped out. I grew up hearing independence being praised. ‘You can do it!’ was said to me and I taught it as teacher of young children. What teacher or parent doesn’t beam as their little person says, “I did it all by myself!”?
Understanding this to be a more western idea, I was expecting my students in China to have a more collective mindset. This was certainly prevalent but my classrooms were full of students with their own mantra. “I believe in myself.”
The two cultures may come by different roads but the destination is the same – oneself. I can do it. And both need to ask the question – exactly who or what am I really relying on?
For the believer and non-believer alike, the reality of truly being self-sufficient is doubtful. We all rely on something or someone. “I put myself through college,” may mean your parents didn’t give you money. But good health, loans for transportation and books, helpful advice, and the very existence of the opportunity did not come from you.
“If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5b
For the believer these are gifts from God. He is the one to be relied on –only him - not the gifts. Jesus gives us the example of a vine and its branches to show that apart from Him we can do nothing. Our reliance can hardly be clearer! Throughout the Bible, kings are asked who they look to in battle. Another nation? Weapons? And then shown the folly of that kind of reliance.
We are told not to rely on our own understanding but to trust in the Lord with all our heart. The result? He will direct my path!
This isn’t very creative, but what does it mean to you to rely on God?
I tried to put it in human terms first. Who do I rely on in my life and why? I rely on my niece to help me with my computer problems. I rely on the water truck to come when the well is dry. I rely on my car to start each day. All these things started first with a need. I had a need and I relied on this person or thing to fulfill or help me with that need. So it struck me that when I don’t rely on God I’m saying I have no need of him. There’s nothing that I need that He can be relied on to do! No need! Then I went back to some other links I had brought up in preparing for this devotional but hadn’t read. I reread Jeremiah 17:5 “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD.” I have a lot to pray about today!