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God's Presence in Moments of Fear

by CARISSA JOY STRUM FEAR God’s guidance & direction Fear Praise
God's Presence in Moments of Fear
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“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”
Psalms 34:1-5

I never know how to answer the “How are you?” question these days. There are so many changes coming up in my life, and I honestly feel scared and excited all at once. In less than a month, I’ll be moving farther away from my family and friends than I’ve ever been, getting married, and preparing to start grad school. These changes feel big and unknown, and the unknown causes fear because I don’t know how to adapt to things I don’t know. I can’t make a plan because I don’t know what’s going to happen. 

All of these new and unknown things put pressure on me for my time, thoughts, and attention. I find myself constantly thinking about wedding details, moving plans, and work. While these things are valid and important to think about, the hustle and bustle can cause me to take my gaze off of Jesus and try to secure my future by controlling everything possible in the present. In all this preparation, I must not lose sight of the One who truly is my security and joy. God alone makes us complete, not locations or relationships or vocations. Instead of becoming laser-focused on our problems, God invites us to bless His Name individually and corporately as we share His goodness with others. 

Today’s reading is from a psalm David wrote after pretending to be insane to protect himself in front of Abimelech. This must have caused some intense stress. Imagine being scared for your life and resorting to act like a literal crazy person in order to be safe. How does David respond after all of this? Instead of focusing on himself or his situation, David praises God. That’s so incredible! Not only that, but he exudes an attitude of continual praise. Regardless of his circumstances, David praises his God. This reminds me of Philippians 4:12-13, where Paul expresses a similar contentment in God that is secure no matter what external situations arise. 

Today, may I challenge us all to lift our eyes and bless the Lord? As we magnify His Name in all of life’s moments, let’s invite others to glorify God together with us. As we seek and praise our Savior, we train our hearts to rest secure in the knowledge and comfort that, whatever circumstances are swirling around us, our God is good, sovereign, and in control. We serve an amazing God; let’s bless His Name together today.

Closing Prayer
Sovereign Lord, You are so good. Thank You that You are present throughout all of life’s circumstances and changes. We admit that we get scared and worried, and we come to You as Your children asking for Your presence, comfort, peace, and direction. We trust that You will work Your will in our situations (Psalm 56:3), and we pray for eyes to see and recognize Your presence and goodness in all of the moments. We love and trust You, Lord! In the Name of Jesus we gratefully pray. Amen.
Book: Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson Huff This book is a helpful, easy-to-read resource that empowers women to live fearlessly as God’s own daughters. While this book is targeted for a young adult audience, it is true and powerful for women of all ages! Sadie Robertson Huff has also spoken on this topic; a quick YouTube search will yield several helpful teachings from her!
Question for Reflection

What’s one way that you can invite others into magnifying God’s Name with you? How can you invite and engage in corporate worship? (Note: it doesn’t have to always involve music and church; God’s worship is multi-faceted as He reminds us in Romans 12:1!)

Carissa Joy Strum
July 25, 2022

I can invite others to join in worshiping God with me by including God and His blessings into my conversations with others. It’s so tempting to focus so much on the details of the day and on to-do lists and complaints that I don’t even mention God and His goodness. I want to meditate on God in my heart, and allow that meditation to flow out through my words!