According to psychology, fear is a primitive human emotion that alerts us of danger or the threat thereof. For example, the fear of crashing keeps me driving the speed limit. Or the fear of my house being broken into makes me lock my doors at night. In other words, fear is what often keeps us safe and alive.
On the other hand, however, fear can be a liar. It can deceive us into thinking we aren’t capable. It can prevent us from having healthy relationships. It can even keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love. In my life in particular, fear is often the only barrier that stands between what is and what could be.
Looking back on my life, even into my childhood, fear has always been a core motivator for me. It has held me back from trying new things and has often stopped me from being myself. In the back of my mind fear has spoken lie after lie. It’s better not to try than to fail. If you show them the real you, they may not like you. You aren’t good enough to (fill in the blank). Fear has often kept me safe, yes, but it has also prevented me from taking the faith-filled risks I know God desired me to take, especially in ministry.
In recent years, however, I have come to learn that God did not give me a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). A frontal cortex to keep me alive, yes. But His spirit living in me is what can make me brave! I just have to trust Him.
Fear is a liar, and perhaps it has lied to you like it has to me. If so, I encourage you to hold onto to this truth today: The spirit of God is one of love, power, and self-control, not fear. So cast your fears on the One who created you. The One who can make you brave.
How do you let go of fears you may have in your life or your ministry?
The most valuable way I have learned to fight the fears in my life is to surround myself with people who don’t share the same fears. For example, I am not a natural risk-taker. I prefer predictable security. Taking risks where the outcome is unknown terrifies me, which has often held me back in life. Thankfully I have a handful of friends, including my husband, who are natural adventure-seekers and risk-takers. Putting myself in their company and learning to see situations through their eyes has helped me navigate the legitimacy of my own fears.