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For the Long Haul

by CARISSA JOY STRUM LONGEVITY Balancing ministry, family, & life Feeling connected to those back home
For the Long Haul
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“But, brothers and sisters, when we were orphaned by being separated from you for a short time (in person, not in thought), out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you. For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way. For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

You know that feeling when you see a family member or friend you haven’t seen in far too long?  That sense of comfort and peace even from just being in their presence? It seems like Paul is alluding to this in his letter to the Thessalonian believers.

Unfortunately, culture is often too focused on newness and achievement to have much time for longevity. We want to create new friendships, reach new people, and start new programs and endeavors. All of these are wonderful ideas to pray through, but they do not take the place of cultivating longevity.

Even in the ministry world, the focus on preaching the Gospel to unreached people groups (an incredibly important and noble focus!) should not negate the focus on maintaining relationships with those new believers. When we think of Paul, we tend to think of an incredibly outreach-focused individual, and so he was! But he also saw value in maintaining relationships with the people he led to Christ. Paul didn’t lead people to Jesus and then think, “Now onto the next!” Instead, he continued to pour into them and allowed them to pour into him by joyfully receiving the help and provisions they gave to him (see Philippians 4:17-20). 

Let’s take a moment to pause today. Are we so focused on accomplishing and achieving for God’s Kingdom that we aren’t abiding in Him and giving and receiving from His Body? Are we feeling guilty for taking a break and letting people pour into us? Instead of making decisions out of a frantic need to keep doing, let’s take a lesson from Paul and ask Jesus which relationships He wants us to cultivate in this season. Jesus has purpose in everything, from leading people to Himself to giving a dear friend a hug as they’re walking through a hard season to allowing yourself to receive a meal while you are going through a difficult time. 

Jesus never leaves us (Hebrews 13:5). His relationships with us are for the long haul. As we cultivate long-lasting relationships with others, we can allow them to point us to the unfailing and unchanging One who constantly pursues and desires us. Let’s live with longevity as our focus today.

Closing Prayer
Father, Thank You for creating permanence and longevity. We rejoice in our eternal inheritance and salvation in You through Christ, and in our everlasting relationship with You! Thank You for creating eternal relationships within Your Body, since we know that we will be celebrating You with all believers for all eternity. We are so excited to do this! We seek Your help as we develop and maintain relationships in the season of life You’ve placed us in. Would You please comfort our hearts and give us peace as we seek out opportunities to pour into the believers You’ve placed in our lives and to allow them to pour into us? We are eager to walk in the opportunities You bring our way. We love and praise You, eternal Father! Amen.
Book (or audiobook!): Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist The tagline for this book, “celebrating the extraordinary nature of everyday life,” sums it up well. Focusing on God’s presence in the daily moments of our lives helps us to see His long-lasting presence—He is always here with us (see Psalm 139)! I listened to this as an audiobook, and it felt like Shauna was speaking to me over a warm cup of coffee. I hope this blesses and encourages you to reach out to your Heavenly Father throughout life’s daily moments!
Song: The Blessing by Elevation Worship I think part of the reason for this song’s popularity comes from its theme of longevity. This song is a beautiful prayer taken from Numbers 6 about God’s blessing and presence. The song reminds us as believers that God is for us! It also prays for the next generation. This is such a powerful reminder of God’s eternal plan and purpose and Kingdom. Let these words wash over you today as you rejoice in the Everlasting Father.
Song: Ancient of Days by CityAlight This is another powerful song reminding us of the everlasting nature of our King! See Daniel 7 for more on the Ancient of Days!
Resource: Preach to Yourself Deck: 52 Reminders of God's Care from the Psalms by Ruth Chou Simons (Gracelaced) Ruth Chou Simons is an incredible author, speaker, and artist who brings God’s truth alive through her words and work! I’ve linked to a set of reminders of God’s care from the psalms, but her shop (Gracelaced) is filled with incredible reminders and encouragements. I hope that her art reminds you of God’s good nature and everlasting Kingdom as you see these reminders throughout your day.
Question for Reflection

What’s one relationship with a fellow believer that you can either pour into or allow yourself to be poured into this week? Maybe that’s with a husband, child, friend, pastor, or acquaintance. Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in identifying that relationship, and then be on the lookout for small, peaceful, live-giving ways to cultivate that relationship this week.

Carissa Joy Strum
October 16, 2023

I want to cultivate my relationship with my husband this week! Recently I’ve been so focused on accomplishing things or building community in our new home that I haven’t taken the time to seek out how he’s doing and how to support him. I want to spend time with him this week and time praying for and with him!