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Loving for a Good Long Time

Loving for a Good Long Time
“Give thanks to the God of heaven, His love endures forever.”
Psalms 136:26

Early on in our time in Africa, my husband and I worked as language surveyors. We visited people in villages and towns, exploring the language landscape. What languages were spoken in the community and for what reasons? Which communities might be well-served by a translation of the Bible in their own language? Which communities already had one? 

Over and over, I was inspired and intrigued by the seasoned global workers we’d meet along the way. In the middle of a remote corner of the rainforest in Congo, we met a worker who had lived in the area so long, she spoke like a local. In a small village in Cameroon, we enjoyed a cup of tea with a Catholic priest who had served in his role for decades. In the capital city of Kenya, we spent time with an elementary school teacher whose former students now taught at the school with her. 

What perseverance! What commitment! I marveled at the endurance of each of these people and many others we met on our language surveys. As new global workers, I wondered if my husband and I would serve for as long as they had. What had kept them in the same place, living and working with the same people, for so many years? 

It wasn’t long before I realized that it’s not what, but Who! God! The work of their hands flowed from a heart that knew God’s enduring love and longed for others to know it, too. They wholeheartedly desired for others to know the forgiveness, redemption, and freedom found in Jesus!  

More than speaking the local language fluently, fulfilling church duties flawlessly, or teaching effectively, living in light of God’s love for others was their purpose there. By God’s grace, they joyfully received and gave His love to those around them, day after day, year after year, decade after decade. By God’s grace, may our aim be the same – to joyfully love God and love others for a good, long time. 

“Give thanks to the God of heaven, His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:26.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us for a good long time! You love us so much that you invite us to spend eternity with you through the forgiveness, redemption, and freedom of your Son, Jesus. Please help us to joyfully receive your love so that we can joyfully share it with others. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Question for Reflection

Have you met a seasoned global worker who has inspired you by their loving commitment to serving others?

Karen Bradley
October 17, 2023

Yes – my supervisor! She has been serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL for 50 years!