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For Real?

by PAULA ROBERTS FORGIVENESS Biblical conflict resolution
For Real?
“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.”
Colossians 3:12-13

I was at our Staff Conference when I actually saw her. I had hoped she’d be there because two years earlier I had harmed our relationship with something I said publicly. Although I had apologized via email (we lived countries apart) and she’d forgiven me, my heart still beat a bit quickly as I walked toward her. Would her forgiveness go beyond a black-and-white screen? 

It did! She was so gracious. Not only did she verbally assure me that the situation was over, but she proceeded to trust me with a bit more of her heart. Wow, really? I was humbled and a bit amazed. I didn’t feel worthy of the renewed relationship given to me but I knew God was behind it. It was the kind of thing He sometimes does: use His Body to show more of His love and forgiveness–more of Himself. 

It is a wonder. We read on paper (or a screen) that we are forgiven but do we believe it? Just like our Lord moved over my unfaithfulness because of Christ, my colleague did too. And just like my colleague, God goes beyond forgiveness to trust me with more. He trusts me to house and depend on His Holy Spirit. He trusts me with His word. He trusts me with prayer. He trusts me with the offer of a relationship with Him. He trusts me to spread His love and be His hands and feet on this earth. He even trusts me to demonstrate in human form a bit of the forgiveness He offers others. 

Now I need to pass that forgiveness on! 

Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, Your forgiveness is the sweetest of graces you pour on us. Thank you. May we realize the depth of your love which made that possible. Then please Lord, help us to extend that forgiveness to others. Amen.
Book: Soul Care by Dr. Rob Reimer This book offers a great way to work through issues of the heart, including forgiveness.
Question for Reflection

Think of the last time you had trouble forgiving someone. What helped you move forward in the forgiveness process?

Paula Roberts
October 17, 2024

The last time I was stuck in unforgiveness I found that time and prayer helped me the most. Even though I had done everything I felt God asked of me, I was stuck with the thought that somehow if I could only get her to talk to me and understand my point of view that she would eventually drop her “charges” against me. With time and a lot of prayer I realized that bottom line I needed to forgive her for what she thought of me and how she treated me. I needed to let go of trying to make it right, and give it to God.