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Blog Post

Time to Prepare

October 15, 2023 SOUTH AFRICA 2023
Time to Prepare

Thrive takes training and preparation very seriously. Several first-time volunteers have mentioned being very impressed with how Thrive is so intentional in training the newcomers, as well as everyone else. Training began with the very first numbered, color-coded email received nearly three months ago, which was followed by eight more.

Now that we are on location, we start each day with focused prayer and worship of the One whom we serve. We acknowledge that this is His work, and we are simply the tools He uses to refresh the women who will attend. This part is key.

Then the training continues. Today, we learned more about styles of relating to others, the differences between internal or external processors, and other effective facilitator skills to help our small groups meet the needs of our attendees.

This morning we also tried an activity new to Thrive. We all went to the nearby beach for an individual time of guided prayer and reflection. We walked along the beach while praying for specific needs of South Africa brought to our attention by local ministries. After this, the small group leaders spent time in concentrated prayer for the attendees in their small group. Finally, we spent the afternoon training and preparing for the various self-care options for the attendees. These include counseling, spiritual direction or prayer sessions, haircuts, pedicures, massage, or even a visit with a nurse.

We are ready and excited to meet the attendees when they arrive tomorrow!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.