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Blog Post

Making It Personal

July 15, 2023 COLORADO 2023
Making It Personal

Picture a woman sitting on her suitcase by an empty railroad, umbrella sheltering her from pouring rain. She gazes contemplatively into a dismal, unknown landscape. Many women felt this way arriving on Monday: uncertain, in transitions, confused, alone, discouraged, hopeless. Was God really engineering the train of her ministry which had yet to appear through the mist of troubles? Did no one hear her loneliness? Where was the umbrella of protection? 

As the volunteer team took intentional time to reflect on the week, we chose photographs that illustrated themes or emotions experienced, like the one above.

Now picture a black-and-white portrait of a couple sitting on a porch swing, underneath shade trees by a peaceful river. This solicits feelings of tranquility, rest, togetherness, and being fully known. Love is evident. Identity and purpose are sure. Quotes from attendees revealed that this is how they left the retreat.

“I’m in a wilderness season. This has given me proper perspective... it’s all part of His plan.” 

“It’s God’s reminder that ‘I love you; you’re not alone.’ ” 

“What a gift to be in a place where I can be needy. I've never felt so seen and loved before.” 

“We couldn’t touch the hearts of others if we aren’t healed and refreshed ourselves.” 

How do you, our reader, make this personal? Perhaps you have never served in a setting like this, never having been a global worker, or are not sure where to start?

Supporting global workers is part of fulfilling the Great Commission, to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel…” (Matthew 28:16-20) This applies to each of us, regardless of occupation or location. Here are some practical suggestions for getting involved:

Pray! As we witnessed, prayer moves God’s Hand! 

Sign up to receive global workers’ newsletters. Reply to them personally.

Surprise a couple with a cash gift for a date night treat. 

Sponsor an attendee or volunteer for a retreat.

Support Thrive’s in-person fundraising gala in August. 

Donate new clothing items or books for future retreats. 

Consider visiting your global workers in their home country, if possible.

Ask for donations to Thrive or other member support projects in lieu of birthday gifts. 

Encourage your church to have a missional vision. 

Come volunteer with us at a future retreat! 

Finally, picture a tiny drop of water falling into a pool. One drop creates a ripple effect that can’t be recognized by the drop itself. Only when one stands above the pool can the full impact be measured. So it is with God's work. We, like water drops, serve, love, and pray. We eagerly await glimpses of all God is doing while putting our faith firmly in Him for results. One day, we WILL view our drops' full ripple from Heaven above. Then shall our song be "praising my Savior all [eternity] long!"

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.