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Blog Post

Ah-ha! Moments and Next Steps

July 13, 2023 COLORADO 2023
Ah-ha! Moments and Next Steps

“Ah-ha! Moments” can be both enlightening and terrifying - comforting and motivating. However we receive them, we need to pay attention to them.

Retreat volunteers have given time to examine the “Ah-ha! Moments” we have encountered over the past several days. One of the most impactful revelations is the realization that these global workers are so like the women I often encounter in my own North American world, but with one notable difference. And that difference must impact how we fulfill the “one anothers” of Scripture toward them.

These global women have the same life challenges that are given attention when I sit on my North American back porch having tea with friends. Young women might be questioning how to survive sleepless nights with little children, the best use of their training as they choose a career direction, or needing discernment about working with bosses or teammates. In another life chapter, it might be menopause symptoms and remedies, rekindling romance in marriage, or separation anxiety when children go to college. Further along in the journey women might be confronting retirement issues, or new limitations because of health, or the death of a spouse. And all chapters of life are giving concerned attention to spiritual health and their relationship with the Lord they love and serve.

And now we come to the “Ah-ha! Moment” about the vital difference for global ministry workers. They face all the things mentioned previously, plus the added complication of living in a different culture, with a different language and different levels of everyday conveniences. They maneuver life’s challenges without familiar relational support systems, church resources, or ministry reinforcement.

That leads us to consider how God may be inviting us to intensify the care and support that we give to these precious sisters. It draws me to my knees to ask God how I can better demonstrate the “honor one another” and the “serve one another” and the “be devoted to one another” commands of Scripture. Let’s pray that paying attention to the “Ah-ha! Moments” may open the door to unexpected and wonderful ways of being part of God’s care plan for these global women.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.