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Blog Post


October 16, 2024 SICILY 2024

Today was the last day of the retreat for the women before they return to their various countries of service. How were they impacted? How did the Lord meet their needs?

Lori shared that the retreat started for her on the one-hour shuttle from the airport to the resort, because she loved talking to the other women on the shuttle! When she told them her story, the other women responded with tears in their eyes. She felt seen for the first time in a long time! Then, during the first day’s small group session, she found that the other women in her group were just as ready as she to immediately go deep into their feelings, thoughts, and prayers.

Liz shared that Amy Galloway’s teaching was so right-on for her that she felt like she was the only person in the room and Amy was speaking just to her.

Hannah, a single woman, confessed that she had not looked forward to being grouped with other singles. Much to her surprise she found that it was wonderful that all the women in her small group shared that commonality along with so much more.

Several women shared that they missed their moms and grandmas. One woman had actually prayed before the retreat, Lord, can there be some women older than me there? Having a small group leader who was a bit older filled their need for mom-hugs.

Dawn was overwhelmed with the gifts she received in her Taste of Home bag, especially the Bible Study that she had wanted so badly. Then, the next day, she won the door prize of another Bible Study book.

Karen said that the retreat checked every box that she prayed for! Her every hope and expectation had been filled, and then some! The Lord lavished the women with gift upon gift! And so each woman’s need to feel seen and loved, to be spiritually fed, and to connect with sisters in Christ were all met.

Closing the retreat with communion together was the cherry on top. In her book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, Adele Calhoun speaks to the connectedness of communion. “We eat of his body and are part of his body—the one loaf. Though we may feel alone in our journey, we are part of the train of apostles, prophets, martyrs, saints, and all servants of God. The meal reminds us that we belong and are not alone. Because of Jesus, all will be well.”

And with last hugs, final selfies, and exchanging of contacts, they left with full hearts.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.