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Blog Post

First Full Day of Retreat

June 29, 2022 2022 COLORADO RETREAT
First Full Day of Retreat

Thrive’s definition of “retreat” is all-encompassing, ministering to the whole woman, body, mind, soul, and spirit. In the morning we are fed spiritually through worship and teaching from our speaker Linda Dillow. Afterward, everyone gathers in small groups for discussion and prayer.

The afternoons are devoted to self-care. This may mean a nap, a hike in the beautiful Colorado mountains, or swimming in the pool. Many sign up for the self-care options that are offered by volunteers such as pedicures, haircuts, counseling, and one-on-one prayer. There are many opportunities for further connection.

One place always buzzing with activity is the clothing boutique, all donated by generous shoppers. Each woman leaves with several full outfits, clothes, shoes, and jewelry. Many women want to look their best when meeting with supporters. Several women teared up when they heard of this gift.

The bookstore is always another very busy place, also stocked by generous donors. Again, the global women have many titles to choose from and get to take home several. S came to look at books and discovered that she and M, the bookstore organizer, had many friends in common, some going back as far as 30 years. They were both very excited to discover these new connections.

Several attendees mentioned that they still could not imagine that all these clothes and books are both brand new and FREE to them. After so much time being on the giving end of ministry, they are thrilled and humbled to find themselves on the receiving end.

By the end of this day, most women are starting to feel refreshed. The circumstances they left may not have changed, but they now have tangible reminders of their Father’s great love and care for them.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.