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Worship is a Lifestyle

by JILLIAN KITTRELL WORSHIPING GOD Worshiping God Serving joyfully
Worship is a Lifestyle
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“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
Romans 12:1

One of my favorite sayings that I quote quite frequently came from a volunteer I hosted during my early years in Haiti. We were crammed tight together in the bed of a large pick-up truck, sweaty and tired after a long day at a medical clinic in the mountains. As we pulled back into our compound and began to stretch our bruised limbs from the bumpy ride, she looked at me and said, “I know I’m only here for a week, but I want missions to be my lifestyle, not just a pastime.” 

In that moment, all I wanted to do was hug her, but knowing how bad I smelled, I refrained. Her words were so simple, yet they so beautifully conveyed what I had been feeling since my first mission trip in high school. Missions is not just something we do, being missional is who we are called to be. 

Worship is the same. It is not just something we do, it is how we are called to live. 

I love how Paul worded this in Romans 12:1 when he said our spiritual worship is to be a living sacrifice for God. To worship God is more than just what we do collectively on Sunday mornings, but it is how we live our day-to-day. 

Spiritual worship is being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Spiritual worship is loving our neighbor.

Spiritual worship is seeking justice for the oppressed, the fatherless, and the widow. 

Spiritual worship is giving up our own image so that God’s image may be seen. 

As a mother who has birthed two of my four children, I understand the ideas of my body being a living sacrifice for someone I love. The stretch marks on my belly and chronic sciatic pain are daily reminders of what it took for me to have my youngest sons in my life. As a Christian, I need to be willing to grow spiritual stretch marks as well. To daily sacrifice my life for the God who I love, too. Because I want spiritual worship to be my lifestyle, not just a pastime.  

Closing Prayer
Dear God, To worship you is to know you. And I want to know you more. Please teach me how to be a living sacrifice… How to take this life you have given me and use it to serve those around me, to shine for your glory, and to draw closer to you. May my steps be worship. May my days bring you praise. May my life be a testimony of your love. Amen.
Book: Love Does by Bob Goff Bob Goff is one of those people who sets such an example on what worship as a lifestyle looks like. Love Does is a classic in my opinion and can be an inspiration to us all to find moments every day to love and serve others.
Question for Reflection

I learned so much about spiritual worship and how to be a living sacrifice from my Christian sisters in Haiti. How have the women you know in your host country inspired you?

Jillian Kittrell
December 15, 2023

My dear friend Ange Marie has taught me so much about spiritual worship. I knew Ange Marie before she became a Christian. Over the course of a few years, after she married the Haitian director of our program, I had the blessing of watching her heart transform. Ange Marie’s whole life now is centered on serving those around her, and with such joy! Watching her serve has taught me what it looks like to truly give your life to Christ…not just your heart either…but your hands, your feet, your smile, your everything!