Have you noticed that in times of transition, we often feel a bit shaky? We lose our rhythm, our schedule, the feeling of predictability, the familiarity. It’s been a couple months now since we transitioned to a new ministry in a new country. Stress comes in surprising places sometimes. A big challenge for me has been something as ordinary as grocery shopping. Living on a four-lane road, just getting the car out of the driveway is a battle I have to summon courage for. I still don’t know where to shop to make the money go the farthest. I think of being in the States for Home Assignment and I miss the familiarity of knowing where everything is and feeling comfortable getting there. My seven-year-old daughter was feeling some of this stress of transition this week too. She came to me crying and missing her friends that she had to say goodbye to. I told her it is ok to feel sad about saying goodbye to friends and tried to encourage her that she is making new friends here. She responded, “But Mommy, it’s hard making new friends.” I know what she means. It’s hard being the new person again.
So in the midst of these challenges, where can I go for direction? Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Times of transition are opportunities to remember where our roots are. We are to live “rooted and built up in Him”. When we are feeling shaky, it’s an opportunity to remember our roots, to be even more aware of what’s holding us strong. Transitions and times of uncertainty can remind us of where our foundation is and that’s a good place to find ourselves. Because sometimes the routine, the false sense of control, the familiarity can be where our security lies. How much truer the sense of security can be if we allow Jesus to be that in all times of life, in all seasons and transitions.
Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him…” What does it look like to be “rooted and built up in God” in your life today?
I need to be reading the Bible daily. This is a big part of what it looks like for me to be rooted in God and have His mindset and perspective. I also experience this in encouraging conversations with believing friends. It’s so helpful to hear how others are growing and to discuss and share things I am learning and experiencing with others. This helps me be “built up in God.”