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Who Do You Think You Are?

by GAIL GOOLSBY IDENTITY Identity in Christ Spiritual wellness
Who Do You Think You Are?
“For by the grace [of God] given to me I say to every one of you not to think more highly of himself [and of his importance and ability] than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has apportioned to each a degree of faith [and a purpose designed for service]”
Romans 12:3

It was not one of my finest principal moments. 

When the man entered the foyer of the admin building escorted by our guards, I knew they were silently communicating to take him seriously. I went on with my instructions to my assistant so she could complete her tasks. 

He did not let me finish my conversation but began speaking in perfect English. I looked his way saying, “I will be with you in a moment.” He continued demanding my attention.

My flesh rose up. I turned but he did not let me speak. He came a step closer to my 5’9” frame so that we were eye-to-fiery-eye and then threw into his monologue, “Do you know who I am, who you are talking to?” 

Without wisdom, I replied with emphasis that echoed through our marble entryway, up the stairs to other admin offices. “I think you are a father who wants to enroll his children in my school.” 

Soon the footsteps of my wonderfully diplomatic liaison team member came flying down the steps and maneuvered himself between us, gently soothing the man in his native language and guiding us both into my office. 

In so many cultures identity is tied to who you are (family name, reputation), what you do (achievements, giftings), and what you have (possessions, wealth, security). These sources of significance are fragile, fleeting, controlling, and empty. We must constantly monitor our value by ever-changing man-made standards. 

Instead, Believers must internalize what God says about our worth, our identity. We are His children, created and loved intensely by the Almighty. Not just made, also bought with the precious blood of His own son Jesus who humbly came close to us and paid our debt to a Holy God, sinful flesh creatures that we are. 

If we don’t believe what God says, we are victims, not free to love ourselves, love others or enjoy the life we have been given. We certainly are not an attractive example of Christian fulfillment to others who are desperate for a secure identity outside their own cultural, religious limitations.

Closing Prayer
Father God, Thank you that you offer us a secure identity, outside ourselves and culture entrapments. When we believe what you say, we are able to avoid the pitfalls of pride, shame, and hopelessness. Help us to live in this great gift and the knowledge of your faithfulness so that we might offer others the same earthly and eternal identity in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

What situations can cause you to question your worth, doubt your identity is secure in Christ, or act like you are not intensely loved by God?

Gail Goolsby
March 04, 2024

I am not prone to doubt my place in God’s family in a cognitive sense, but like my story in the devotional, I certainly don’t act like I have nothing to prove or defend. When I am spending time in God’s truth and practicing gratitude for all he has done for me, I am more likely to respond to situations and others in a patient, gentle manner. Like I know who I really am.