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When God Crosses the Line

by SARAH DEAL TRUST Overwhelmed
When God Crosses the Line
"When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, 'Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?' He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do."
John 6:5-6

Historically, Philip was the disciple who was responsible for purchasing food for the group. Jesus knew that Philip felt this responsibility, yet he chose to test him by asking where they could buy food for the hungry crowd. Jesus knew Philip needed to be brought to the point of need, to the point of being pushed over the edge, with his resources seriously limited. Only then could he truly appreciate God’s sufficiency.

One day in particular, when our family was serving in Asia Pacific, I felt as if God had crossed a line. Asked too much. Like Philip, I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. Like Philip, I explained to God why I couldn’t possibly pour out any more into the lives of those around me. I was tired. My emotional resources were limited. On top of the overwhelming circumstances of life, ministry, and mounting health issues with my husband, God decided to send a homeless family to our door. Scared, alone, hungry, with the wife very pregnant. Our hearts broke for them. We fed them and shared the gospel, but beyond that we felt completely helpless to meet their overwhelming needs.

Like Philip, I explained to Jesus that even if I had nothing else going on, I couldn’t possibly be all they needed. Philip explained to Jesus that 200 denari worth of bread wouldn’t be enough for each of the thousands to get even a little food. That’s equivalent to several month’s wage in Jesus’ day!! Months!! Even if they worked for months, it would be but a drop in the proverbial bucket.

When God seems to ask for more than we can give, when we feel completely helpless and inadequate in a land of endless needs, what is our answer? God allowed us to help our new friends find a place to live, and our relationship with them continued in the years that followed. We weren’t the answer to all their needs, but we continue to lift them to the Bread of Life, trusting that He is enough, and He will multiply our efforts for His glory!

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20

Closing Prayer
Dear Father, Thank you that you are enough. Enough in my not-enough-ness and in my doubt. Help me to surrender to your will in the details of life. Help me to remember that You are standing with me through it all, multiplying my meager efforts as I trust in your all-surpassing sufficiency. Amen.
Book: Expectations And Burnout: Women Surviving the Great Commission by Sue Eenigenburg and Robynn Bliss This is one of my all-time favorite books for cross-cultural women!! Sue Eenigenburg and Robynn Bliss are real and honest about the unique struggles of women serving overseas and remind us we are not alone in our struggles!
Question for Reflection

What circumstances in your life right now is God using to remind you of your not-enough-ness? How can you apply the truth that God is standing right beside you to help you gain a better perspective of your current circumstances?

Sarah Deal
October 26, 2020

Our family is currently coming out of a dark season, which included a move back to the US and ultimately brain surgery for my husband. In all the grief and pain of transition and battles with health and recovery from surgery, we have felt very weak. And in my weakness, I feel very unable to help and encourage others. Shouldn’t I have it all figured out by now? But God is faithful each day to remind me that He has said “yes” to this trial in our life. He is enough, even when I’m struggling! The fact that He is standing right beside me helps me to remember that God is not asking me to have it all together–He's got that covered! I'm also reminded that it's all about Him, and all glory is His!