I am amazed at my forgetfulness sometimes! For example, forgetting where I left my phone or walking from one room of the house to the next, not remembering what I was looking for! But often times, it is a forgetfulness of God’s perfect record of faithfulness. I have been a believer for 23 years and I have learned so much during this time. God has amazed me with His grace and surprised me by His love as He reminds me that He sees me. So it shocks me sometimes how quickly I can run back to fear, worry, and anxiety and forget that God is near.
A few months ago, our four year old daughter woke up with a swollen face. By the end of the day, she was hospitalized because we learned that her kidneys weren’t working properly. It took the doctors two weeks to come to a diagnosis, and during this time they presented us with some scary possibilities. My heart ached that my little girl was ill. With the unknowns before us, I felt fear and disappointment that God had allowed this illness. Had I not been the mom in this situation, I would have done well comforting this momma’s heart. Had it been someone else, I would have encouraged her to keep trusting God even in the unknowns. I would have reminded her of God’s faithfulness and His great love for her and for her daughter.
But often enough we don’t preach truth to ourselves. I swam in the pit of fear, disappointment, and sadness for a couple days before a friend sent me Lamentations 3:21-25 in an email. I read the familiar verses and felt little emotional response. But I remembered something I had taught others many times: cling to truth. In every situation, ask yourself “what Bible verse am I clinging to right now?” I had forgotten to do this. I decided that every morning, I would wake up and read Lamentation 3:21-25. I would speak truth to my soul until I started believing it again. I would “dare to hope when I remember…the Lord is my inheritance…I will hope in Him.”
Dear sisters in ministry across the world, remind yourself today of the truth that you are sharing with others. Be refreshed in His presence today and minister to yourself with the hope that He gives. He is near. He is faithful. He sees you. He is in control. He is good. You can trust Him.
What truth do you need to remember today?
My daughter has made almost a complete recovery! We see the kidney doctor next month to check in but the last exams were encouraging. As we walk through these days of health, I want to choose to remember that God is always with me, He is really present, in the good and the bad. This is a truth that I know but one that I often forget to walk in.