“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” John 21:22
Is there anyone reading this who has not been compared in some way in their host country? You may look and speak like a local, but if it isn’t your birthplace, you’re, well, different. And if you aren’t the only foreigner, you’re likely compared to them, too! One is learning the language faster than the other. The tall one is always late and the heavy one is the first on the school van. One walks everywhere and the other takes taxis. But let’s be honest… If two Martians moved into our neighborhood, we’d compare them, too.
At one of the Asian universities where I taught, there were just two North American teachers–me and my teammate. We often overheard students announce to newcomers, “Our English department has two foreigners. One is beautiful and one is funny.” We both struggled a bit with their assessment.
As frustrating or humorous as these situations can be, they raise significant issues. Why do these comparisons irritate or please me? Because I want to be the praised one?
To whom do I compare myself? Someone worse or better? I do plenty of both.
Does the Bible have anything to say about this? Yes! God does warn us about comparing, such as in Galatians 6:4. But more often, He simply tells the reader to look at Him.
“To, whom, then, will you compare God?” Isaiah 40:18
Job has many questions for God that are never directly answered. Instead, God asks him a long list of questions. The common thread throughout them all? God is sovereign. Explainable? No. Clear? No. Comparable? No. Sovereign? Yes.
In Peter’s last conversation with Jesus, he responds to his master’s words by pointing to John. “What about him?” As I read, I can wonder, “Really? Your last moments with Jesus on earth and you ask this?” Maybe I even think Jesus’ response of “What is that to you?” is deserved.
When I ask my own “what about him” questions of comparison, do I want to hear Jesus’ words? I certainly hope so. I need the admonishment and I treasure the instruction he gives, “You must follow me.”
What is a recent situation where you or someone in your family was compared in a negative way? What was your reaction?
Many times, as in the pretty and funny illustration, being compared to someone else is a time to not take myself too seriously. But when the comparison leads my thoughts to spiral from “that’s unfair” to “I’m not like that!” to “Why God?” it’s not humorous. I need to ask why I’m so upset. The John Piper article in this devotional’s resources provides a thought-provoking example of his list of comparisons. I think it would be beneficial to make my own list.