Smells of fresh bread greeted my kids and I as I buckled my youngest into the cart. I selected mangoes and noticed one of my kids chomping on something.
I stopped and looked closer, "What are you chewing?"
"Gum," she munched and pointed to the mat.
Noooo! How many people walk on that mat? Trying to remain calm, I replied, "Please give mommy the gum."
"No," she pleaded and sprinted down the aisle.
Grabbing my cart and kids, I dashed after her.
She swallowed the already-chewed gum and burst into tears as bystanders gawked at us.
After I got home, I hung up my coat and noticed a pair of underwear stuck to the Velcro of my hood!
I had been all over town and no one bothered to tell me! Completely embarrassed, I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
Have you ever felt like a failure as a mom, wife, or global worker?
I have, especially in motherhood. I look at other moms and wonder how they balance everything so well.
But maybe you feel like a failure as a global worker because others do things differently than you do. Or you struggle in your marriage and wonder how others make it look so easy.
What is their secret? The secret is to stop comparing.
God created everyone uniquely with different strengths and weaknesses, and He knew exactly where YOU should be placed. This doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve or that we won't make mistakes, but we need to recognize and receive grace.
"For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" 1 Corinthians 4:7
Rather than compare ourselves to others, we should measure ourselves with God's Word. Our value is in Christ, and we should use our strengths to the best of our ability for His glory.
Remember, by God’s grace, you are enough. (Even if you have a child that chews already-chewed gum)
When do you feel like a failure? Who do you compare yourself to?
I feel like a failure as a mom. My kids are teenagers now, yet I still struggle when I yell or blow it with them. I compare myself to other “church” moms. I hear about their fun activities and see how well they respond to their kids, but I forget that I’m only hearing and seeing the good times. Everyone struggles with something. I need to stop comparing myself with them and focus on the blessings I do have. I need to measure myself with Christ’s standard not my friends.