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True Refreshment

by GAIL GOOLSBY REFRESH Burn out Quiet time with the Lord Rest
True Refreshment
“Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!”
Proverbs 3:7-8

“My sending team back in the states agreed that I need to have R&R from Kabul every 90 days to keep myself emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy. I will be in India for 10 days.” 

“I take a prayer retreat every semester. I will fill out the paperwork for PDO and use my two days allowed to go to the Serena Hotel for a long weekend.” 

Both of these statements (not delivered in much of a question or request), hit me and my husband hard. As team leaders in our respective organizations, we had to find other staff to take on extra duty for these individuals to have their time off. Not always an easy task in our situation. 

So, one person got refreshed, another one (or two people) extended extra energy to keep the projects going and cover the work in place of the vacationer. Felt like a win-lose situation.

My husband and I both appreciated and engaged in time away from our Afghanistan assignments over the years. It really was a difficult place to live and work. But does getting away constituent true refreshment in every circumstance? What if that is not possible due to finances or some other restriction? 

When the Apostle Paul was explaining the spread of the Gospel beyond the Jews to the Gentiles, he said the fresh glory, the hope of our lives was filled without end by Christ dwelling in us. (Col 1:27). Carrying around the truth of our union with God through Christ, having 24/7 access to our Father is our true source of refreshment. 

Terms like oil of anointing, living springs, green pastures, cool water, and other natural descriptions of freshness are throughout scripture. We can meditate on these visions and worship God whenever, wherever refreshment is needed. What a gift! 

Closing Prayer
Father God, You have provided for our refreshment in the beauty of your creation and in the gift of your son, Jesus. Awakening our spirit to connect with you is supernatural and the true source of our continued hope and fresh glory. May we never forget what we carry in our earthen vessels and allow it to wash away our dryness as we surrender to your loving care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Poem: Drought by Betty Bruechert My heart is parched by unbelief, My spirit sere form inward strife; The heavens above are turned to brass, Arid and fruitless is my life. Then falls Thy rain, O Holy One, Fresh is the earth, and young once more; Then falls Thy Spirit on my heart; My life is green; the drought is o’er!
Question for Reflection

How do you refresh yourself when immersed in your daily routine or even feeling “dry?”

Gail Goolsby
January 08, 2024

Taking time to sit quietly, with a verse or devotion, looking out my full-length windows to my yard at birds and squirrels and garden beauty soothes and refreshes me. Also music and walking.