In the land where our family lived and served, there were two main seasons: Rainy and Dry. In my years riding motorcycles, dealing with mold, facing the heat, and wearing clothes dried in the sun, I learned that there are benefits to both seasons. But I would venture to say there is nothing like that first rain drop that signals the start of Rainy Season after a dry spell.
Do you know the feeling? You wake up one morning, and it’s almost as if you can feel that today’s the day. The air is heavy and dense. A slight breeze blows in as grayish clouds gather in the radiant sky above, promising refreshment to crops and people alike.
As an introvert living in a highly relational culture, I found Rainy Season to be a true respite for my soul. The people of our community, who typically did not share nor value the need for “alone time,” would naturally seek shelter when the rains fell. Although I highly valued my interaction with my neighbors and friends, I often struggled with finding time to even sit for a few minutes alone in my room with my Bible and enjoy quiet time before the Lord.
The Greek word for “refresh” (G373) literally means to give rest to or to permit one to cease from labor in order to recover. (
Just as rain refreshes the earth by soaking deep into the dry cracks left behind by months of drought, so God’s Word and His Spirit long to sink deep into my thirsty soul. Perhaps the dryness inside me comes from utter exhaustion in ministry or family responsibilities, or maybe I have been seeking fulfillment from places other than Him—places that will never satisfy the deepest longings of my heart. Perhaps I am allowing the approval of men to matter more than the identity He has given me in Christ.
Can you feel the gentle breeze blowing as the first drops fall? Refreshment waits for you at His feet, friend, for our God is always faithful to bring the rain.
Imagine your life on a makeover show. (Go on, it will be fun!) What is one area of your spiritual, emotional, or physical life that could use a refresh? Take some time this week to pray about this area and give yourself permission to accept the grace to stop, rest from your labors, and then move forward in the strength He provides.
I am in serious need of a prayer life makeover! I have been struggling with finding consistency and a rhythm to my prayer life and have been extremely frustrated with myself for not being faithful enough in my prayer life. It seems odd to pray about my prayer life, but what better place could there be to take my concerns than the foot of my Father? His refreshment extends to this area as well, giving me permission to stop “doing prayer” the way I’ve been doing it and ask Him how I can align my heart more to His in this matter.