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This is The Day

by BARBARA KINDSCHI TRANSITION Balancing ministry, family, & life
This is The Day
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“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalms 118:24

At a Thrive retreat several years ago, I spent many happy hours chatting with total strangers about our lives in our respective countries of service. As we jumped from story to story, I felt I had met a table of kindred spirits. There were many common threads running through all our tales. But no matter our age, marital status, or years abroad the words transition and change were heard often.

Not surprising and certainly not in these times. Uncertainty and change have touched every corner of the globe. Our overseas lives simply have their own twist on the topic. Sometimes it will be in the realm of the obvious; locations, family and coworkers, ministries, health, and political upheavals. It can be light-hearted (or not) one-upmanship.  I’ve moved 5 times this year. My kids have seen so many friends move they’ve lost count. Our organization has changed its ministry focus every year. 

Our go-to scriptures and sermons for such times often change with the event. Our Father has given us a book full of assurances of His presence and guidance. There is a time for everything. It is the Lord that goes before you. He will never leave us. His peace will guard my heart. He stands forever and remains faithful. Certainly, no claims this world can make. 

In the midst of a current transition, one word kept popping up. Day. 

“This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Be glad today. Of course, He is timeless and has made each month and year. Of course, there is a time to plan. But here I am reminded that He made this day and I should rejoice. Rejoice in what? The previous verses give us a peek at the capstone the builders have rejected - quoted by Peter in the New Testament. A reference to the coming Messiah. Those first readers could rejoice in the promise, while today - on my calendar - I can rejoice that He has come! Today is not the day I pack another suitcase. It’s the day the LORD has made! 

Closing Prayer
Oh God, show me how to be glad - each day - no matter what unknown I’m facing. Not silly or unaware but glad with the knowledge that you are sovereign. Show me the wisdom of holding the future loosely while still using resources and skills you’ve given me to plan. Give me the words to comfort and the strength help sisters around me in difficult transitions.
Song: Be Ye Glad sung by the acapella group GLAD As we read Psalm 118:24 and ponder what we are to be glad about – here’s a list!
Question for Reflection

What are some songs or scriptures that comfort and encourage you when changes seem overwhelming?

Barbara Kindschi
June 29, 2022

I seriously miss singing – in a group – I’m no soloist. We haven’t had a Sunday meeting for months. When I did go, I was new to Mongolia and could only read a few words on the power point. So…I have lots of little sing-alongs in my apartment. Thankfully I have good internet so I can find lots of music to sing with. I don’t think I’ve ever sung by myself as much as this year. Sometimes it chokes me up but I still keep going! Sometimes I can’t really sing, but just read the words. My classes have changed so many times this spring – I forget what day it is! After a long day of zoom classes I turn from the screen but turn on some music and hum along! There’s a reason He said to make a joyful noise! It’s powerful.