Grace. I love it. Not only does it bring us to faith, but it also sustains us throughout our faith journey. I remember the first time I traveled internationally on my own with our young children. I was so nervous that I didn’t even know what to pray. I eventually just started praying for God’s grace. I knew He knew what I would need and so I asked Him to be gracious.
It is such a comfort to know that God wants to strengthen our faith in practical, everyday ways. Hebrews 4:16 encourages us to confidently approach Him because He is gracious, and in Him we will find the grace we need for living. Jesus even told Paul that His grace was all Paul needed because His power works best in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
What do you feel when you discover your weaknesses or that things are completely out of your control? Fear, anxiety, desperation? What about relief, or dare I say, joy? The NLT translates 2 Corinthians 12:10 as Paul stating that he takes pleasure in his weaknesses because it shows the power of Jesus Christ in his life.
When I began praying for God’s grace over that journey with my young children, my heart felt relieved to know God was taking care of what we would need. And, in that, I began to enjoy the process of the journey.
I saw His grace in the flight attendant who moved an anxious woman in our row to another seat (the attendant leaned over to me and said she thought I could use the extra space). His grace oozed from the middle-aged woman who sat behind me and offered to hold my baby when I needed, saying she was eager to be a grandma. And His grace sustained us when our second flight was mightily delayed but allowed sweet sleep to come to us during the flight.
I wouldn’t have known to pray for those specific things. But thankfully, God’s grace covers all our needs and gives us strength and help when we need it most.
When have you experienced God’s grace working in your life in very practical ways? How was God’s strength made evident in you?
I was at a church service after miscarrying our second child, and we began to sing, “Your Grace is Enough,” by Matt Maher. I was so upset and grievous that I couldn’t sing the song. It sure didn’t feel like God’s grace was enough to get me through that difficult time. I think I even said this out loud to God. But just because I didn’t feel God’s grace didn’t mean He wasn’t working to help me. Reflecting on that time, I see how God’s grace was working all through that journey. He gave me strength to take each day one at a time, to continue to care for my family, and to work in our ministry. It was difficult, for sure, but never did He leave me, and never did He expect me to carry on without His power. He gave me strength to make a PBJ for my toddler and to lead a Bible study. And it taught me that He always will!