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The Wholeness We Were Created For

by CARISSA JOY STRUM UNITY Close friendships overseas Reflecting God Finding community Worshiping God Isolation & loneliness
The Wholeness We Were Created For
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“I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
Revelation 21:22-27

You know that feeling when all your people are together? That warm happy sense that everything is going to be okay? I remember resting by the fireplace one winter-y evening, snuggled up as my family placed ornaments on our Christmas tree and ate delicious homemade cookies. I was so content and at peace; I felt united with my family and satisfied. 

In our current culture, it’s easy to feel disconnected and unsatisfied. This past year was not what we expected, and it’s easy to get caught up into feeling that this “new normal” isn’t as good as the old normal. Maybe you’re miles away from loved ones, or perhaps restrictions have hindered you from gathering with friends. It’s easy to feel that “if only ____,” we will feel united again. We can define “unity” as something we have to work to achieve on earth, instead of something we can begin to experience on earth but only fully experience in Heaven. 

In Revelation, we see a beautiful picture of the unity of the Church. While unity can often be thought of as physical reunion of people, in Revelation we see the ultimate wholeness that we are all longing for. It can be easy to think that if we only had all of our people together again, we’d be whole. But the reality is that we are unified through our love for Christ. Christ alone is the One who unifies us and brings fullness. One day, we will all be united with Christ, and only then will we be truly and fully complete. 

So today, let’s pause and remember that we are not alone. God is our refuge, and one day we will be all together with Him. We can feel pressured to have it all together and keep it all together in order to feel united, but the reality is that unity is found in Christ alone. God is in perfect unity existing as three persons; as the Author of unity, we can trust Him to bring unity to our lives. So instead of feeling the pressure to hold everything together, let’s ask God how we can see glimpses of His unity He has graciously placed around us. 

When the world feels a little crazy, hold onto the hope that we will be completely whole one day when we are united with our Father face-to-face. And in the meantime, let’s thank God for the unity He has provided, whether that’s a Christmas-y fireplace moment or a refreshing phone call. Our God is whole, and we are whole in Him. What an exciting eternity we have to look forward to! 

Closing Prayer
Father, thank You that You don’t leave us alone. We praise You for Your constant presence and for an eternity filled with Your presence and people. Please open our eyes to the unity You have placed around us. Please help us to reflect Your unity to a world deeply in need of community. We love and trust You. Thank You that we are always united with Your people through Your Son. You are with us, You are for us, and You are good (Romans 8:31). We praise You, Abba! Amen.
Song: King of Kings by Hillsong Worship This song provides such a beautiful perspective of who God is, and helps me to trust Him even when I don’t understand. It also gives a stunning picture of all of the people of God singing praises to God when Christ returns. This song makes me both excited for the unity of Heaven, and grateful for the community of God’s people on earth! Let’s worship God joyfully together!
Question for Reflection

What’s one part of this season that reflects the unity of God? (This could be a phone call with a friend where you talk about the Lord, a season spending time bonding with your family, or even a walk through God’s creation while you enjoy the community of His presence.)

Carissa Joy Strum
December 27, 2021

I am currently living with three close friends. We spend the majority of our time together, and these friends show me a beautiful example of the unity of God with how well and intentionally they care for me. This week, I want to make an effort to be intentionally loving to each of them, and thank God for the sweet people He has placed around me who remind me of His presence and goodness.