Transition. Global workers live it and breath it. Practical ideas for doing it well abound. Yet, no matter how much we read about it, prepare for it, or talk about it, transition disorders our routines.
Comments, well-intended but hard to receive, fly:
“You’ve moved so often you must be a pro!”
“You’re so lucky you get to go live in that city!”
“You’re so calm about all these changes!”
I want to reply, loudly:
“But I’m not a pro, and I don’t want to live in that city, and I’m anything but calm!”
It is only because of grace that I hold my tongue as I hold on to the very last verse in the Bible.
“May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” Revelation 22:21
Grace. Global workers must live it and breathe it. God’s Word abounds with it. No matter how disordered our routines are, He offers His grace.
So, I pray for the grace of the Lord Jesus for me and my family as we uproot, again. I pray for His grace as we say goodbye to friends, again. I pray for an extra portion of grace to answer softly those who think I’m good at this, again.
Most of all, I pray for the grace of the Lord Jesus to help me truly be one of God’s people, one who loves Him and loves others, even in transition. And I thank him for His merciful, ever-needed reminder of grace in the very last verse.
Has a Bible verse or song been especially meaningful to you during a time of transition?
We returned to the U.S. for a one-year furlough after serving in eastern Africa for a number of years. Three of our five children would be attending the neighborhood elementary school and the youngest two would be home with me. I worried about how our kids would transition to a public school after being homeschooled, how they would make friends, and how I should best help them transition to a year in the U.S. I can remember regularly praying Romans 15:13 as I walked the kids to school: “May the God of hope grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit.”