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Hope for a Thirsty Soul

by RACHEL HENDRIKSON HOPE Burn out Contentment Quiet time with the Lord Rest Reliance Hope Dependence Discouragement Seeing & not seeing fruit
Hope for a Thirsty Soul
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“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8

During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic, I was on lockdown in France. I was allowed to leave my home once a day for less than an hour and had to stay within a kilometer of where I lived. I lived in a large city but was blessed to have a small river nearby. There was a small wooded area on one side of the river. I went there daily, as it was my only source of nature during those weeks. I saw trees, many of them quite large, growing right next to the river where their roots could be seen growing under the water. 

Jeremiah 17:7-8 became a key verse for me during that time, and I was thankful for the living picture of the verse as I took my daily walks. 

I want “to bear fruit” as it talks about in this verse. I want to be full of life so my “leaves” are green in the midst of drought. I want to be replenished constantly from a never-ending source of life. So how is this possible? 

I look back to the beginning lines of the verse again, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.” (NLT) We need hope in our world; we need confidence. How important is that especially in life when we are reminded that we control so little as we go through months of uncertainty. Hope and confidence are two priceless things available to us as believers. So how can we walk in them today? 

For starters, we have been planted in the right place. Living water is available to us every day. Let us not forget to take the time to drink. Find the moments to be still and remember that He is God. Be refreshed in His presence, and remind yourself of His promises. Water your faith so you can be nourished in times of plenty and in times of drought. 

As you are being controlled and filled with the Holy Spirit, God will produce fruit in your life. Sometimes we don’t see it, but God is always at work. May we, dear believers, be a forest of green trees producing a harvest that will impact eternity! He is our hope and confidence!

Closing Prayer
Father God, thank You for being a refuge, a sure place, and a fortress in dry and difficult times. Thank you for always being enough and all that we need. Regardless of what happens, there is hope in You. Your hope is an anchor for our souls. Help us to hope in You today. Help us to place our confidence even more in You today. May we be like a tree planted by a river that bears much fruit and has our foundation in You. Be our hope and confidence. We love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Article: What is Hope? Want to learn more about hope and how to have confident, Biblical hope? Check out this article that gives plenty of food for thought!
Question for Reflection

What does it mean to you to have the Lord be your hope and confidence?

Rachel Hendrikson
July 12, 2021

Today, for me to know the Lord is my hope means I know I have a future with Him. I have the hope that He is in control and He is not shaken. He brings good from the bad and He will accomplish His plans. I know that my future, whether here on earth or in heaven, is secure in Him.