I was once asked to teach the topic “Identity in Christ” to our students using Neil T. Anderson’s book, Victory Over the Darkness. I quickly skimmed through the book, then set it down. My first thought was, “I already know all of this!”
Raised in the church, I had taken my identity in Christ for granted. It wasn’t until I picked up the book again that the simple truths from Scripture really soaked into my mind and heart, completely changing the way I saw the importance of “identity.”
Why is understanding our identity so important? We live out of what we believe. If we believe we are defeated, we will act accordingly. If we believe we are victorious, then our behavior begins to change. If a prisoner has been freed but doesn’t believe that the prison door has been opened, they may sit defeated in their dungeon forever. What we believe matters. Truth sets us free (John 8:32). We must align our beliefs with Truth and take hold of that which is already ours in Christ. As we do this, our behavior begins to reflect our true identity.
Often we get it backward and try to earn our identity. Anderson says, “We don’t serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted, so we serve God. We don’t follow Him to be loved; we are loved, so we follow Him. It is not what we do that determines who we are; it is who we are that determines what we do.”
Do you see yourself as a sinner or as a victorious saint? Do you see yourself as unloved and unwanted, or do you rest in God’s unconditional love for you as His child? Do you see God as a disciplinarian in the sky, just waiting for you to mess up, or do you see Him as your loving Father-King who has adopted you to share in His inheritance forever? Are you striving to earn God’s favor, or are you resting in the assurance that nothing that you could do will cause God to love you more or less because of the finished work of Christ on your behalf?
We must replace the twisted lies we believe with a foundation of Truth. This is more than just positive thinking. We must get into our Bibles and learn about our identity! Meditate on the verses linked in the resources below. Believe the truth, marinate in it, fill your heart and mind with it, and ask God to help you to live victoriously out of who you already are in Christ. Step out of the dungeon and into freedom!
As cross-cultural workers, our identity is often thrown into question. Who am I in the midst of an unfamiliar culture, when the music, food, language, clothes, hobbies and friendships that used to identify me are no longer there? If we look to anything other than our identity in Christ, we will feel like a wave, tossed back and forth. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your identity while living overseas? And then felt like you’ve lost it again when you return home (since no one really “gets it”?). How has knowing biblical truth about your identity in Christ helped you?
I have definitely felt tossed back and forth regarding my identity. I seldom feel like I belong. However, I think that never being able to fully identify with a place, people or culture keeps (out of necessity!) pushing me back to my identity in Christ. It reminds me that my identity in Him goes deeper than what I see around me. It’s when we feel like sojourners and aliens in this land that we long for something more. I am God’s child and He has a purpose for me that transcends my current circumstances and placement on this globe.