My overseas departure after seven years on the field was rough. All the wonderful recommendations for leaving well seemed to elude my situation.
I was dismissed, causing personal embarrassment, and creating a stressful situation that impacted so many people I deeply cared about.
At first I struggled to find God in any of the events that transpired before, during, and after my emotional turmoil. But during follow-up counseling, I was invited to list all the ways I recognized God’s care for me in the last five months of my troubled time.
Wow. I filled two pages of amazing gifts that my loving Heavenly Father gave me over this difficult period. Gifts like:
A wonderful housemate and co-leader who were mature, strong in faith, controlled in their conversation to shield me from unnecessary pain.
Wonderfully pleasant weather instead of frosty fall/winter temperatures.
Preplanned, delightfully distracting fall break trip to China with my husband and housemate.
Ability to change purchased departure plane ticket for better itinerary at less cost (and extra seats available to stretch out on the long trip).
Tender, supportive farewell events, presents and precious mementos from coworkers, national friends, and teammates.
Surprised government escort for departure, pampered wait time in VIP lounge at airport, dismissed luggage overweight fees, and direct shuttle to plane.
Arriving back in the U.S. in time for my birthday and Advent, then Christmas in my own home with friends and my young adult children nearby.
I recall I never felt abandoned by God, even keenly aware of His presence through the most painful moments to the sweetest. There were many more events and evidence of His care for me in the months that followed my return home. Knowing He was watching, providing, and even preparing for the sunnier days ahead helped me heal and eventually move forward.
But creating the list of gifts brought God’s goodness close, slashing through the clouds of failure and disappointment. He knows how to give good gifts to his children. Hallelujah!
Do you need to make a current list of good gifts God has given you to break through the gloom or discouragement you are experiencing at present?
I don’t usually find it difficult to see God at work daily, but sometimes I get caught up in my big (or small) irritations or inconveniences. Making a written or even mental list of his good gifts, past and present, helps decrease the complaining and increase the hope and joy.