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Stand Fast in Grace

Stand Fast in Grace
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“...I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it.”
1 Peter 5:12

During trips to the Pacific Ocean when our boys were small, I would hold tightly to their hands and walk into the water until we found a good place to stand. As the frigid waves crashed around my shins and their thighs, the flowing sand built up around our feet, planting us firmly in the seashore. After standing against the onslaught of several waves in a row, our feet were buried so deep that it was difficult to pull them out of the sand! 

When the boys were bigger and didn’t need me to hold their hands, I took long walks along the beach, searching for shells and peering into tidepools. One afternoon, captivated by hundreds of sea urchins thriving in a narrow crevice, I stepped into the rocky pool to get a closer look. A huge wave unexpectedly crashed into the tidepool, knocking me off balance and hurtling me through the jagged crevice. If not for the quick reaction of a nearby sunbather, I could have ended up smashed against the boulders rising from the ocean. 

I pictured these two beach experiences recently when I finished reading 1 Peter. At the end of his short letter of exhortation and encouragement, Peter wrote, “This is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it.” 

What is the true grace of God? A quick perusal of chapter 1 gives several examples: 

  • We are born into a living hope (v. 3) 

  • We have an imperishable inheritance (v. 4) 

  • We are shielded by God’s power (v. 5) 

  • We have an impartial judge (v. 17) 

  • We were redeemed from an empty way of life (v. 18) 

  • We have been born again (v. 23)  

Standing on these promises of God’s true grace is like when the boys and I planted our feet in the sand at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. The same powerful waves that knocked me from my feet when I perched precariously on the rocks of the tidepool served to deepen our stance when we had chosen good footing in the sand. 

When waves of difficulty come crashing over my life, I want to have my feet planted firmly in the sand of God’s true grace. 

Closing Prayer
Dear Father of all grace and mercy, thank you for this reminder to plant my feet in the promises of grace given to us through your Son. When the waves of life come crashing all around me, may my feet stand firm in this grace. May I ever be grateful for the price that Jesus paid to give me such an amazing gift.
Question for Reflection

Grace is such a small word, yet such an incredibly large topic. Are there any aspects about the concept of grace that have been difficult for you to understand? How can you change your thinking about this?

Rachel McDonald Yanac
February 02, 2024

I have often been frustrated by the fact that SO MANY churches, both in my home country and in our overseas location, have the word GRACE in their titles… and yet, they seem to preach legalistic rules more than they do grace. The more time I spend thinking about this, the more irritated I become, which ends up making me feel even worse because I know that I’m being critical! So how do I change my thinking? I have to consciously focus on what Peter called “the true grace OF GOD” and not get sidetracked by human interpretations of grace. If I take the time to reread the examples of God’s grace in 1 Peter 1, it will be easier for me to show grace to others.