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Running Toward... Rest?

by KATY BRINK REST Identity in Christ Seeing & not seeing fruit
Running Toward... Rest?
"Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.”
Psalms 116:7

It’s Monday morning. Filled with anticipation for Bible study with your new friend in a few hours, you sit down with a cup of tea and excitedly go over what you plan to read and ponder what questions she might ask. You’ve enjoyed getting to know her recently, and you were thrilled a couple of weeks ago when she expressed a desire to look at the Bible together.

Then you hear the ding of a text message. She can’t make it today. Your heart sinks.

Sound familiar?  

On the one hand, your disappointment beautifully points to a growing relationship: you enjoy spending time with this friend and feel sad that you won’t get that time today as you had expected. 

But if you’re anything like me, part of the letdown you experience also connects to an underlying heart attempt to earn the approval of those around you and perhaps even of God. Having a Bible study with someone makes us feel “successful,” and when that chance to take a step up the approval ladder gets taken away, we flounder in doubt and insecurity. In unrest.  

As Christian women, we often forget our status as daughters of the King, secure in Him. We live instead as servants trying to please a master. We pressure ourselves to see certain results in ministry, or at least to be constantly busy with ministry. After all, He called us to life abroad, serving Him in another place… doesn’t it stand to reason that He expects results? But in doing so, we lose all ability to find true spiritual rest. 

We forget that God bases His approval of us solely on what Jesus did on our behalf, not on how we perform. As His children, covered with the righteousness of Christ, God is eternally pleased with us. No amount of ministry work or personal discipline can change our status before Him as His favored children.

Are we called to work hard as unto Him? Yes. Are we expected to be faithful to the task He has set before us? Absolutely. Sometimes faithfulness yields earthly “results,” but sometimes it doesn’t. Either way, we can rest in the goodness of our Father, working faithfully and resting joyfully in response to all He has done for us. As Psalm 116:7 affirms, He has indeed dealt bountifully with us. 

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for the work of salvation you finished for me on the cross. Forgive me when my focus drifts to being busy, even with ministry, and I lose sight of Jesus. Help me to live an abundantly joyful life out of the rest that flows from my identity as your child. Amen.
Podcast: Practices to Anchor Your Identity in Christ While this brief podcast doesn’t specifically mention rest or necessarily even ministry, it’s a great reminder of God’s love for His people and the unchanging nature of our union with Him. Being reminded of these truths spurs us to both work hard unto Him and to rest in our status as His daughters.
Question for Reflection

In what areas are you living with the attitude of earning God’s favor and approval and therefore missing out on true rest?

Katy Brink
April 12, 2024

I feel anxiety creeping into my heart if I look at my week and don't see my calendar full enough with ministry or "work" events. That anxiety does not come from a desire to honor the Lord with my time but rather a desire somehow to justify my existence or to feel like I'm earning my keep. In those moments, I need to pray that the Holy Spirit changes my heart posture to one of rest in my identity as a daughter of the King!