Sometimes we need reminders of God’s love for us. Life, whether living globally or not, casts doubt and uncertainty on the truth of God’s love because love defined by the world is so contrary to the love of our Father. God’s love isn’t a romantic love made up of chemical flutterings of the heart. It isn’t conditional, dependent on our behavior. It isn’t limited as if it could ever dry up or crumple under adversity. It never changes, starting strong only to fizzle out over time. And it isn’t temporary, here today and gone tomorrow.
God’s love existed before creation as He was eternally loving the Son and Holy Spirit. It was this eternal love in relationship, this perfect love in unity, that gave God reason to create. It was His pleasure and desire for His creation, meaning us, to experience this love. And creation did experience it until Satan planted seeds of doubt, and their hearts shifted. Their love turned away from the Lord and inward onto themselves. But, thankfully, God’s love wasn’t dependent on creation’s love towards Him. God’s love didn’t change when their hearts shifted. His love remained constant because the very nature of God’s love is overflowing to others and not inward focused. His love has always been selfless and generous, flowing from the Father to the Son and Holy Spirit for all eternity.
Our love for God is meant to flow like this as well, but sin hinders this perfect unity and harmony. We won’t find this love in our family relationships, marriages, children, friendships, or even church, and we won’t always feel the love of our Father. Sin is all too much a part of our world to let that happen. But we can trust and know that this unconditional, unlimited, never changing, eternal love of God is real because He sent His Son to prove it and sealed our hearts with His Spirit, the very two who have known God’s overflowing love eternally and perfectly. Sometimes we just need our brains to remind our hearts of this.
When do you doubt God’s love for you? Or are there times in your life when you just don’t feel the love of God? What draws you back to God’s love? A song, certain Bible verse, fellowship, etc.?
I found life as a new mom challenging after our second child was born. I felt overwhelmed with family and ministry responsibilities and the weight of expectations (others’ and my own) weighed on me. I struggled to read my Bible, let alone prepare a Sunday School lesson or Bible study. I was all dried up and empty. Quitting this global life and moving home with my mom sounded dreamy. I couldn’t feel God’s love for me or see any traces of it in my life. My thoughts were negative and critical, and I felt I was losing myself.
What brought me out of the slump was a required self-evaluation at a conference. I decided then and there to take my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and turn them to things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Boy, was this hard! Over the next year or more, I forced my mind to focus on God’s love which eventually filled up my heart. Journaling was a lifeline for me because it helped me lament, think on God’s love, and then praise God. My journal entries were sporadic (as it is when you end up adding a couple more kids to your crew!), but those pages were filled with evidence of God’s love.