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Nerf Gun Refuge

Nerf Gun Refuge
“Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go, give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.”
Psalms 71:3

“God is our refuge”

The title of the devotional seemed simple enough. My son and I finished reading when I asked what seemed like a straightforward question. 

“What does ‘refuge’ mean?”

When he hesitated, I took that as my cue to help him find context for this abstract concept by using an illustration. 

My mind quickly landed on one of his favorite boyhood games: The Nerf Gun War. Where boys become men, and friends become enemies (at least for the five minutes that they are on opposing teams!).  

During the war, the battle is intense. Darts fly. Brows drip with sweat. Conversations are heated as teammates call out to one another with strategies of attack. Some hide in trees or behind buildings, in hopes of outsmarting the enemy. 

Yet there is also, in this war, a designated place, a base, where those seeking safety can run. This place grants them a time-out of sorts, where they can no longer shoot or be shot at, according to the rules of the game. This is the refuge of the Nerf Gun War. 

Walking through this simple illustration with my son was eye-opening for me. I recalled several encouraging realities regarding taking refuge in Christ. 

As I run to refuge, choosing to leave behind cozy hiding places of insincerity, hypocrisy, and pride, I risk exposure and vulnerability. Seeking true Refuge requires honesty not only with the Lord, but with myself and with others. As I approach my refuge at the feet of Jesus, there is surrender, a timely cease of the wearying realities of battle. Here, my Redeemer defends and protects and grants me precious freedom to sit and not serve. I focus solely, if only for this moment, on rest and the Rest-Giver. 

If boys wielding nerf guns need a base, how much more do we as global women need a refuge?! Friend, the battle you face daily is very real (Ephesians 6:12), with more than nerf gun darts at play. All the more reason to run, pour out your heart, and seize the true refuge He offers (Psalm 62:8)! 

Closing Prayer
God, how we praise you for being our Refuge! The One we can run to when life is messy or busy or overwhelming, knowing that you understand our every struggle and stand at the ready to comfort and strengthen us. Thank you for times of rest at your feet that help prepare us for the battles yet to come, and for the assurance that you have already won the war on our behalf! Help us to remember to run to you often, to resist the temptation to attempt to hide our struggles from you or each other. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Question for Reflection

Psalm 62:8 says: “Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” Pouring out our hearts to God is a way of taking full advantage of the refuge we have in Him, and a way of demonstrating our trust in Him. What is weighing heavy on your heart right now that needs to be poured at His feet, demonstrating your trust in Him as your refuge?

Sarah Deal
March 28, 2022