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My Gift List

My Gift List
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“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
Psalms 103:1-5

I open my blue and white journal to a random page and this is what I find: 

329. Sunshine in our schoolroom - so pretty after many cloudy mornings! 

330. New kitten! 

331. We finished a hard chapter in biology 

332. Both boys got A’s on their test 

333. New granite countertops & sink installed 

334. In spite of how many (billions?) people live in this world, God knows each one, and thinks of them all the time. I am on his list! 

335. Danny had a great guitar recital last night 

336. The 20+ promises in Psalm 91

This is my gift list, but not the kind I wrote as a kid when Grandma asked us what we wanted for Christmas. Inspired by Ann Voskamp, I’m slowly working my way towards recording one thousand gifts given by God to me. 

Some of my gifts are small - “our backyard hummingbirds; the bright Quechua rug in our living room; coffee.” Happily, I recently added - “I found flavored coffee on our trip to Mexico,” and then, “had enough room in our carry-ons to bring back 2 pounds of it!” 

Some of my gifts are big ones - “we own a lovely house in the Andes, large enough to share with guests.” 

I used to feel a bit guilty about the big blessings, especially living overseas, but reading through Psalm 103 with fresh eyes gave me a new perspective on the benefits that we have as children of God. It's easy to thank him for the “spiritual” gifts: forgiveness, healing, redeeming our lives from the pit, the crown of love and compassion that he places on our heads. But King David also reminds us that God satisfies your desires with good things.” He chooses each gift just for us, and wants us to enjoy them!  

I no longer feel guilty about the “big gifts” on my list, and I continue to give thanks to God for the small ones. (Bring on the coffee!) As I contemplate all of this, I glance down at the last entry on that random page in my journal: 

337. He satisfies my desires with SO MANY good things!

Closing Prayer
Gracious Father, thank you for your forgiveness, your healing, for redeeming our lives from an ugly pit of sin. Thank you for crowning our heads with love and compassion when you adopt us into your family. Those are huge, life-changing gifts! But, God, you also care about the small things, and you satisfy our desires with so many good things! How can my heart not be blessed? Thank you, Lord, for all of these gifts! Amen.
Book: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp This is the book that started me on my journey to record 1,000 gifts from God.
Song: Thank You Lord by Chris Tomlin (ft. Thomas Rhett & Florida Georgia Line) This is a super-fun country song reminding us to count our blessings!
Song: Come Thou Fount by Celtic Worship Here’s a classic hymn about God’s blessing in a gorgeous Celtic style.
Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus’ words about the good gifts his Father gives
Question for Reflection

Have you ever, like me, felt a little bit guilty for the gifts that God brings to you, especially when those gifts seem to set you apart from the people around you? What have you done to change your mindset so you can fully appreciate and enjoy those gifts?

Rachel McDonald Yanac
July 08, 2024

I remember watching our kids tear into their Christmas presents when they were little, and I don’t know who felt more joy - the boys when they opened a new toy, or we parents as we watched their great excitement. One day I realized that God also waits expectantly for our reactions of joy and excitement when he gives gifts to us. He wants us to enjoy all of the good things he brings into our lives, and I know that he is pleased when we find ways to share those good things with the people around us.